paranormal board problem solved!!!

by ProtonCharger

21 years, 10 months ago

nope its the same thing. just real genius and engineering substituted for ghostbusters and parapsychology.

by AgentD

21 years, 10 months ago

I come here now and again. Obviously, I don't know as much about the paranormal as ProtonCharger and Shadow do, but I still sometimes find it annoying that some people come on here and babble senselessly with GB quotes. For someone who is quite familiar with the world of the supernatural, it can be frustrating to have goofs come here and just further talk about GBs. It is almost just as annoying to see GB topics in the Misc. board. Loose references are okay. But for the love of pie, don't force GB into a serious conversation. And don't post senseless crap just for attention!

As a solution, I doubt changing the description of the paranormal forum will do much. Who honestly reads those things? The names of the forums are pretty self-explanatory as it is.

Of course, maybe you could say PC is overreacting and he should just tolerate it. I see both sides and can't pick one. Some say GB quotes are evil here and others say it's okay. I think if it's kept to a minumum, then it might be okay for everybody. But if someone has a serious paranormal problem, don't tell them to build a proton pack and bust some heads. That's just stupid.

So there's my two cents.

by Shadow_weaveR

21 years, 10 months ago

hmmm, well like I said before, me personally I don't like the use of ghostbuster qoutes in the paranormal forum, you wont be taken very seriously. On the other hand I can very easly learn to ignore them, I mean this is a ghostbusters website, and even though some of the people who post here are serious about what they do, there are plenty who have no Idea what paranormal investigaters are all about. And thats fine this is a ghostbusters site, I expect that.

This isnt the only place I discuss the paranormal, Im a part of several message boards that are for ONLY PARANORMAL discussion. So we dont get Idiots as much comming on the boards, and if they do I or someone else will delete it ASAP.

Im sure this isnt the only place some of the others here who are really interested in the paranormal talk about it. so I guess were just going to have to tolerate that these things will happen on a ghostbusters fan site.

by LordVego

21 years, 10 months ago

Yeah guys, this is a Ghostbusters site, as you MIGHT have noticed by now, what with people saying it . If you are going to talk paranormal on a Ghostbusters message board, quote should be expected, no?

If you don't want it, then leave. Leave and go to a different board for only paranormal, like Shadow does. If you can't do that, then tolerate it, deal with it, and learn to love it because it will be here for quite a while

by AgentD

21 years, 10 months ago

Sigh…I can sense this won't be solved for a long time.

by ProtonCharger

21 years, 10 months ago

nope. it wont. it was an idea to make that section better, but obviously it was tossed because this is a ghostbuster community. i cant believe i had the idea that a simple edit would help out. hmm. the idea would have changed alot, and cleaned up that section. a comparison to its coming doesnt help that board out any.

by AgentD

21 years, 10 months ago

Nice try though, PC, seriously.

by Sinister

21 years, 10 months ago

Shadow, can you link to these boards please? I joined the Ghost Hound one about 3 moths ago, and no one has posted since!

by castewar

21 years, 10 months ago

I don't know that taking the Ghostbuster out of the board description was going to totally clean up this board - as Zack said, this is a Ghostbusters website and like it or not, people who drop by here are probably going to, on occassion make GB references.

I see your Wierd Science example and I understand your point, but what you're missing is that if you're an engineering student and you go to a Wierd Science site, why would you expect it to be a completely serious discussion.

Now, having said that, the arguement is moot. Chad's the guy who would have to make the change and he's really busy with school. When we chat with him next, he'd probably be cool with the change.

And having said that… even if he did make the change, I promise you you're still going to run into GB references, or less serious posts. That's just the way it will go. There are hardcore paranormal boards and mailing lists if that's what you're looking for (and it sounds like that's what you're looking for). If you could, it would be great if you could continue to discuss the issues here, but be prepared to disregard posts that aren't as hardcore as yours.