paranormal boards problem/ solution and suggestion.

by ProtonCharger

22 years, 8 months ago

call it my second(?) post ever on the site suggestions section, it's all swell with me, with this exception.
i think that there should be some kind of criteria for being able to post on the paranormal boards to put a halt to or atleast filter posts such as:
“i have started my own paranormal investigations and ellimenations business”
“my house is haunted, please help”
“rules for ghosthunting”.
“i have successfully busted a ghost”
“whats your favorite ghostbuster”

my reasons behind this is because that its blatantly obvious no one on these boards is at all serious about the paranormal. even after lenghty discussions on how a proton pack is just not possible, or theories on hauntings, and honest lists of how to do a successful ghosthunt are all over the internet on credible sites, and off topic posts people are still posting crap like this, and forcing many like myself into lurkership.
i can deal with the occasional whos your favorite ghostbuster, but seeing some goon say he can bust ghosts and has his own business, or other goons saying their house is haunted and they want help(which cant really be given except moral and spiritual support from members from all over the world, because a trip to new jersey is completely out of the question) takes all the fun out of a serious discussion on local hauntings, someone's recent ghost hunt, or something a little bit more credible dealing with the paranormal.

maybe there could be a more active mod there? points being, i've said shit so many times in four posts,(arguement is its been used in ghostbusters) i havent even gotten a “pc, tone down the language” heck, if push comes to shove, i am constantly reading three sections on the board, the paranormal, props, and misc. id like to help out with mod on the paranormal board if need be(with toned down language). but my main point here is a more active mod on this section to weed out good posts from bad.

maybe have an age limit to posting there? i know thats very crude, but i cant imagine some of the posters being past 11. ie, samuraijackgb with his bogus rules for ghosthunting based on false expirences.

id really like to see something done, i might be the only person to have made this plea, but maybe by some small chance im not the only one, i felt this needed to be brought to everyones attention. i hope some one will read and atleast agree with me, and i sincerely hope something gets done about it. thanks alot for reading.

by ProtonCharger

22 years, 8 months ago

just wanted to say thanks. there's been a big noticable change on that board.