Paranorman's Back in Business! (Prop Packs)

by Paranorman

17 years, 10 months ago

Any deals on buying in bulk?

When i say bulk, I mean 3.

I personally scratch-built each packs (and other gb props) myself, spending the same amount time, money, TLC, on each units. I do not have a large warehouse full of workers nor do I have an inventory of material, it's just me shopping at my local Home Depot, Radio Shack, hobby shops. So, each props will cost the same to built.


by Guido75

17 years, 10 months ago

So do u have any videos of the lighted pack at work? Well in the miscellaneus thread u can see i got in a bad ambulance wreck and havnt been able to return to work. I still plan on buying one i just wish i had more info on the pack and more pictures. I love your site but it just dosent have alot of info on the pack if you know what im saying. I know this is a hobby for you and im not trying to complain of what your trying to do for the ghosthead community. But before i shell out 730 bucks i just want to know everything about it before i purchase,

by foxmulder

17 years, 8 months ago

I've want a prop pack for years but do not have the skill to build one and until reccently I didn't have the money to buy one so I'm glad Paranorman is back in business I can't wait to order one.

Just one qution for anyone who as any prop pack, I'm a little hefty around the waste(o.k. I'm more then a little hefty I'm large around the waste)do they sell extensions for the alice pack belts?

by black11

17 years, 5 months ago

Ordered one but haven't heard from Norm since. Is this normal?

by FoomMan

17 years, 5 months ago

I sent him an email not so long ago to no avail, maybe he's been busy for a bit. Anyone know another place to get a good pack? (*egon)

by black11

17 years, 5 months ago

I hope that's the case because he's got my money for my pack too!

by GrimSanto

17 years, 5 months ago

I have been trying to get in touch with him to get a pack made but he is not anwsering his email.. sign

by winston18

17 years, 5 months ago

Norm has been very reliable and trustworthy for years I'm sure if he took your order and your money you will get your pack. Hope everything works out for you black11

by black11

17 years, 5 months ago

That's what I figured too. Just a little ansy I suppose. I did read many others' comments about him before I placed my order.

Thanks for the input though.