Well, Savanah, as an RPG guru, I can tell you all about it.
You were correct in assuming that it is like Dungeons and Dragons….in fact, D&D started the whole RPG craze (and boy, did it EVER carry over to Japan! Final Fantasy fans have Gary Gygax to thank! I do!).
Many RPGs have been made over its 30-40 year spread, and one gem of an RPG just happens to be “Ghostbusters” produced by West End Games. Sadly, West End games went under, and Ghostbusters is no longer in print.
You can purchase this wonderful game via Ebay, or you can wait patiently until GBVA and I scribe the rules verbatim from the book, to our website.
Thanks for your interest, Savanah, I hope our website will please you in the future!
Happy Posting!