PC System Requirements for GB Game

by ALX

15 years, 7 months ago

I recently put together a brand new rig just for this game.

GTX 280 1GB
AMD x4 phenom 2.8ghz
8gb ddr2 ram
hitatchi 1tb 7200rpm hard drive.

And i bought a brand new 19" widescreen monitor.

Id be happier if i wasnt so sick right now.

Nice rig. Get well soon.

by Talkc

15 years, 7 months ago

Nice rig. Get well soon.

Thanks. Ive had some sort of bug… Dry wheezing cough, and vomiting.

And during all this.. i put together a computer, Just for Ghostbusters.

Im actually looking for the finishing touch to my case, which would be a large vinyl GB decal for the side of the case ( Black case… ).

As it stands, I am also currently trying to recruit a GB crew to play multiplayer when the game comes out. I have one person from my “anime” board, but i dont have anyone else in the crew.

And he isnt getting the game until July 1st. So… fudgesickles.

These system requirements really blew me away. I had no idea the game would be the steepest i had ever heard of in terms of minimum requirements. It only makes me think it must truly look spectacular in motion.

by fleminatube

15 years, 7 months ago

Nice rig dudes hope you both get better soon.

I am also building a new PC for ghostbusters

4 Gig' o ram
1 tb seagate drive
896mb GTX 260

and i already have a 22inch samsung T220

i will be interested in some online gaming when it finally arrives in UK

by Vezner

15 years, 7 months ago

I know that officially this game won't support graphics cards with 256 megs of RAM but I'm curious if anyone's tested it. Will my 8600 GT with 256 megs really not run this game at all?

by ectoplasmicresidue

15 years, 7 months ago

played it on my rig. man that was ownage. only thing i had problems with was the fact it slowed down to almost a crawl on the boss fight. don't know if that was a coded problem in the game, or something running in the background on my machine, but it was not good.

by Vezner

15 years, 7 months ago

Do you have a 256 meg vid card?

by ectoplasmicresidue

15 years, 7 months ago

Do you have a 256 meg vid card?
got a 1gb gpu. wouldve gone for a 4870 x2 1gb, but ran out of money.

by Vezner

15 years, 7 months ago

Just as an FYI for anyone that has a vid card like me (8600 GT w/ 256 mb), I bought the game on Steam and it seems to work just fine on my comp with a few tweaks of my graphics settings (mostly lowering shadows).

I don't know why they say they don't support cards with 256 mb on their vid card because it works fine for me.


by Wolfie

15 years, 7 months ago

This game on PC does not come with multiplayer I just got the game and they left that out of it as for graphics card a m8 of mine runs this game on a 7900 256 and it runs fine

I just tried this game on a amd 3000+ 1.8 rated @ 3.0 7600gs 256mb 1 gig of ram and it ran ok bit freezy in some places but playable

by Verdic

15 years, 6 months ago

Grats on the play Vezner. I know you were upset about it possibly not running on your rig. Mine runs at a constant 60 FPS at max quality settings with no slow downs anywhere in the game on this rig for reference:

AMD Phenom II X3 720 BE @ 3.31 GHZ
4 GIG of Dual Channel DDR2 @ 900 MHZ
x2 SLI'd Geforce GTX 260 Core 192's @ 621/1136/1364 (Clock Linked)
Asrock nForce 780A X3SLIWifi Motherboard
Western Digital 7200 RPM SATA HDD w/ 16 MB Cache @ 160 GB Capacity

The game is incredible, and though I beat it in a playtime of 7 Hours 56 Minutes i've gotten days of replay just by going through and catching any artifacts or ghost scans that i've missed.