Peg board on the Packs, something new

by ProtonDefender

23 years ago

OK, I noticed this before, and went back to check before I posted. Watch the hotel scene in GB1, get to when Peter and Ray are talking on the radio and we hear Peter scream, pause and watch in slow motion or frame by frame when Ray is running down the hall and his back/proton pack is towards the camera (this will work best with a DVD), the back board/mother board is only a piece of peg board, not even wood! Of course wood is stronger, and the peg board may only be used in a section of the back board, but it is there non-the-less.

by sg1star

23 years ago

you might want to look again, cuz the pack he has on whiel runnign down the hall way is a hero pack, and there is no pegboard on the hero pack, theres no pegboard on the stunt pack eather

by ProtonDefender

23 years ago

Look closely and use the frame by frame. It is on the right side to the right of where the fin begins to angle off and under the gun-mount block. You'll see it at a certain point when the light hits right and shines through the holes, I'm not making this up, look carefully, it lasts for about a frame or two. Also keep in mind the packs weren't all constructed the same. There were several hero and foam packs made.

by sg1star

23 years ago

im not sure how good your dvd player is but if it has a zoom feature on it i sugest u use it, there is a cut under the gunmount that you can see thought, there are a few other spots on the mother board that has the paint scratced off, and the light is relfecting off it, that is waht your seeing, the mother board is metal.

by ecto-3

23 years ago

Pegboard is too brittle to use on a 30-60 pound pack, especially for the motherboard. I agree with SgStar on this, it is agreeable how the light would reflect off of the aluminum motherboard wink

by Ectoman

23 years ago

They're correct..

by ProtonDefender

23 years ago

OK thanks guys, I'll check it out again some time