15 years, 8 months ago
15 years, 8 months ago
15 years, 8 months ago
15 years, 8 months ago
15 years, 8 months ago
erikghostbuster;149566The point is, she doesn't know you. And it's far more about your vernacular (yes, I know big words) than anything. The fact that you specifically said “white people” to her probably sounded (in the undertone) like you were saying that, only “black people” get Sprint (because Sprint sucks!). So you have to understand where she's coming from, and everyone else for thast matter. There's also a VERY fine line between joking, and just being downright inconsiderate of other peoples feelings (especially when it comes to race).
Yeah but still this woman was white. I still can't get that she was so offended. I figured I would have offended the white people race more than anything if you wanna get technical. I am so afraid to say anything to anyone now because they might get offended. I really think that woman did do something with my phone because of it.
erikghostbuster;149566This is why it's always good to, think before you speak. You could also try, not saying things like that to people who don't know you/your sense of humor. This actually happened to me at work. I work with A LOT of different people, from different ethnic backgrounds, some of them for years, and we all joke around and rip on each other (about race, religion, etc), but one day I went outside in the rain for a smoke, and one of the guys I work with (for a couple of years) who happens to be Mexican, was already out there, well he made a comment about how he liked the rain, and I replied jokingly with something like, “is that why they call Mexicans…” well you know, and he got PISSED! So you have to be VERY careful about what you say, and to whom you say it to/about. (*peter)
I am so afraid to say anything to anyone now because they might get offended.
15 years, 8 months ago
15 years, 8 months ago
15 years, 8 months ago
Yeah its too bad you have to be so careful about what you say these days. Now I am so afraid to tell anybody anything.
Just use common sense and you'll be fine.
15 years, 8 months ago