Peter d-d-d-d-d-d-dies!?

by Captainluke

21 years, 9 months ago

I finally figured out how he will die. It was a tragic incident. He opened a peanut and well, I think you know the rest.

by Ludicris

21 years, 8 months ago

lol. sorry, im a little late but that std joke was hilarious doc. :d

by sexysadie

21 years, 8 months ago

What a tragic beginning! :O I think it would be too sad for an otherwise funny movie!

by BlutoBlutarsky

21 years, 8 months ago

I'm not too keen on the idea of having Peter die or not having him in the movie all together. If I had to choose, I guess him dying would be better, becuase that way Bill Murray would still be in the movie.

by DocRyedale

21 years, 8 months ago

WOW! :0 :O

I'm surprised this thread is still going. Let's review all of the possible fates of Dr. Peter Venkman:

Auto Accident
Accident on a Bust
Golfing accident with a Groundhog
Man-Eating Toaster
The Cops confuse him with a Clown that robbed a bank
He gets squished by Giant Aliens in a Basketball game
He's visited by the Ghosts of Christmas, but refuses to change his ways
Bowling accident
Elephant accident
An assassin, who's surname is also Venkman
A giant tree
He convinces Egon to join the Army along with him, but then Egon realizes it was just a prank
He follows the Parkview Psychologist (Who looks sort of like him. ) on a vacation with his Family, uninvited, and drives him insane

Or maybe it's all of the above, under one condition: GROUNDHOG DAY!

by Kingpin

21 years, 8 months ago

Not to forget:

shot, poisoned, stabbed, disembowled, hung, drawn, quartered, beheaded and have a piece of garlic shoved in his mouth, have all the layers of his body stripped off one after the other.

And eaten by giant ghost tiger.

by DocRyedale

21 years, 8 months ago


by bubba

21 years, 8 months ago

Ok, I think that if Venkman were to die, it would have to be over the top to be in true Bill Murray Fashion. Venkman, being my favorite character for his over all charisma and one liners (possibly redundant) I agree that he should not die. However, if he were to die, there are more possibilities to him being a ghost-ghostbuster, than the other ghosbusters may even imagine. I wont even bring any realism into this whole thing. Because not matter how you look at it it may not seem possible. But Having Venkman as a ghost would prove more effective than Slimer (post GB2). Venkman wouldn't have to worry about the mortality then that the others would face and thus, creating a much more extensive battle with the final foe (whoever it may be) Am I wrong here? Does this make sense? Think about it, would they kill him off and make him a ghost if they didn't intend on him being one of the team. (and by they I mena the writers of the script) It's not like if they busted him that they couldn't take him out. There was that one episode of the Real GB when they sent in Egon (I think) to fetch the stay puft marshmallow man, through their own ghost containment unit. SO even if they had to use him to take down the bad guy and at the same time take him down as well, they could always fetch him out. Plus it would make for an emotional big deal scene, and many more possibilities for future installments. But if they were going to kill him during a bust, I would bet it would be something like:

(Large spectral enemy advances toward Venkman. Egon and Ray stand to the side ready to fire as Peter throws out the trap. The specter growls and rushes Peter just as Ray and Egon fire, catching Peter in the stream and sending him, flaming onto the trap switch, sending the foe into the trap. Startled and confused, Ray and Egon rush to Peters aid. Egon turns Peter onto his back. His chest and midsection are badly burned, the fabric of his suit half metled into his body, and he looks up at Ray.)

Peter: You got me Ray.

Ray: Oh Venkman I'm sorry.

And all of this would go on with some back and forth until finally he dies. What do you think?

by DocRyedale

21 years, 8 months ago

To be honest, I don't want to see Peter or any of the other Ghostbusters die. It just wouldn't be cool. As you said, it would be disappointing to many Fans.

by exorcist313

21 years, 8 months ago

Here are some ideas i thought of.

A:Maybe that peter like crossed the streams with like Winston or Egon or Ray and all the Malicules in his body…you know the thing. and peter died and the other ghostbuster didnt he lucked out.

B:Maybe its like Egon falling off the building in the Return of the Boogieman. you know that eps right?!
Oh yea and maybe if he did come back as a ghost it could be like at the end of Casper that guys wife comes back and stuff, But he returns not as an angel but as a ghost and just returns to say Goodbye?!