Peter d-d-d-d-d-d-dies!?

by Mike_D

21 years, 8 months ago


He falls down the stairs, breaks his hip, and dies of shock.

-Mike D

by NewRecruit

21 years, 8 months ago

Its strange, its like all holliwood star want to die in the next movie. Mel Gibson said he will play in the next Lethal Weapon only if he die in it. Bruce Willis said the same for the next DieHard. And Bill…

What a weird Fashion

by Youtes1

21 years, 8 months ago

What if Peter didn't have to die at all?

What if the guys thought he was dead?

Someone on here said they'd battle Hadies.
Well what if Murray in the beginning like falls off of a building and into a break in the time space continum or he could accidently be sucked into the trap which would have a negative effect on the human body. Well anyways I'm sure you could use your imagination but Murray gets sent to the underworld. And he's stuck down there for the rest of the movie.
There could be a tie in that Hadies wants to rule the world over and there'll be more time rips as time goes along. These time rips could like encourage phycokinetic activity keeping the guys plenty busy.
Until the very end when the guys come down and save him.

Peter: About time you guys decided to show up.

Murray barely does anything anyways through the movies. Which makes his character funny. He could be replaced for the time being and then get pissed off later at the guys for replacing him with a dorkish character.

There could be some cross scenes where Murray complains down in Hadies domain. Other tnan that I think that's the most you'd see of him without killing him. No more than 3-5 days of shooting, Murray could get back to his life and we all would smile and say yay he didn't die.

by NewRecruit

21 years, 8 months ago

I have another idea. Peter had a bad accident and fall in a coma. He quite his body and see the invisible world like in the movie “Ghost”. He learn about a danger, he tells the Gb. He spy on the bad spirits and try to do his best to slow things down with maybe the help of other spirits (something we will not see a lot during the movie) while the ghostbusters try to control the mad action that appen on Earth.

by Vitamin_Z

21 years, 8 months ago

If anything, Winston will die. I mean the brother always dies first!

by GBFreak

21 years, 8 months ago

I just wish some one could get the script on the net so we can read it. How come that STAX guy can't post it

by lucky_gb

21 years, 8 months ago

From the reports I've read on Paul Randoff's site (when will it ever come up again?) I always thought Winston would be dead, mainly because Ernie Hudson was never approched to reprise his role. And the plot I've read (from Aykroyd himself) Hell becomes too full to fit anyone else in, and the people that CAN'T get it, start haunting the earth. Since the original Ghostbusters have long sinced retired, teach a new group of younger people to carry the torch (Extreme Ghostbusters anyone? )

From what I've read on this board, Peter ties the knot with Dana and adopts Oscar. On a roadtrip at night, they get rammed by a drunk driver, killing the three of them in the wreakage. (that's how I'd like to see the senario played out)

by d_osborn

21 years, 8 months ago

ernie hudson was never approached, as was annie potts or rick moranis. i suggest you read the GB3 script review on and