*Ah…Good ‘ol Norm :-) …I’ve oogled his packs and traps since day 1 , and even more so since “Facade FX” was “born” :p …
*The problem however does not lie in his location [Meaning postage wouldn't even be a problem, as I could pick the stuff
in person, as I live in
Mechanicsville, Va; and he
Springfield…Or is it still
Falls Church?]..It lies in the price…Now I'm not saying that the time, execution, his skill [
beautimus, to say the least], materials and such doesn't require a hefty restitution…And after all, this
isa “specialty operation”, and only two to my knowledge ever provided such a service, both of which I believe are
out of the “fabrication & sales” part of the “propping” arena…
*And as I am “all thumbs” when it comes to fabrication of such things , this service is a “god-send”…
*All I'm saying is that, me personally, working “Nightstock” at Greatland Target, making $10/hr., and having shoddy hours at that, doesn't afford me the chance to “splurge” on gems such, as is his work…Maybe if it were more affordable …And I wouldn't half-ass the "experience either …Full-lit Packs & Trap, Ecto-Goggles (Or “Spectro-Visor” - Whichever you prefer], and whatever else he sells, pertaining to the garb…
*But it wouldn't end there - I have the flightsuit , ANOTHER patch, name “tape”, the soccer kneepads , the boots
, the leg-hose - yadayadayada…All of which I'd have to get/alter/fabricate on my own…And then there's the PKE - no Ghostbuster is complete without one…I'd have to get someone to fabricate one for me on that end as well…
*So realistically, as it stands I'd be well-over $1,500-$2,000 in the hole…Something to which I can't afford to do right now …And I'm pretty sure alot if not the majority of the members here are “'po” just the same…
*So in conclusion , I would love to, but can't at the moment…
*However Norm - My friend Jeff from northern Va said he contacted you awhile back or tried to…He, a fellow “ghost head” , is also intrested in “propping”, and living out the “Ghostbusters experience”…He has the know-how of fabrication, but not the time, nor the space to accomplish this…Point is, we thought it would be cool to hang with you one day , maybe throw back a few, and talk propping - Show us the ropes, if nothing else - And I'd finally get to meet the infamous Norm Gagnon in the flesh
*DecrepitMasses79@aol.com is the current e-mail…Hit me up if this at all intrests you (*peter) …
- Lanny