Phantom Packs Props are still available! (Paranorman)

by Futher

19 years, 6 months ago

It depends. For some people it takes them months, others it takes weeks. It all depends on how accurate you want your pack to be and how much time a day you have to spend on it. If you plan on wanting one ready for halloween I do suggest that you start now. This way it gives you time to get parts and what not for your props.

Very true. I just recently starting building my pack… making one out of aluminum, and I ran into more problems then expected. Start ASAP and get the most important parts done first, then work on the details. If you run out of time, you'll still have a Halloween costume and no one will notice the little missing things.

by ghostbusters2131

19 years, 6 months ago

I wanna buy one, but the cost is so expensive and the damn mexican “peso” is so devaluated and that makes my buying a little more hard to afford. (*egon)

by stantz1

19 years, 6 months ago

I want to buy a pack, but how the hell do I place an order? I went to the website, and there's no way I can find on how to order.

by winston18

19 years, 6 months ago

Click on the Facade FX link at the top of his page and it will direct you to his homepage. His e-mail should be on his homepage. You can contact him via e-mail.

by Shumpy

19 years, 6 months ago

by gbmasterman

19 years, 6 months ago

Why are you advertising your own stuff in someone elses thread who makes the same thing…… only better?

by evenflow66

19 years, 5 months ago

Sent you both a PM and an email Paranorman. Please get back to me asap. Thanks!

by rossedge

19 years, 4 months ago

id love one of thoes packs, wondering if you requested one qith less detials would it come out cheaper….

by Paranorman

19 years, 3 months ago

Sorry guys for the earlier post, didn't mean to make it a teaser, just didn't want too “advertise” in which may be breaking the board's rule I believe, but I could always give you my Facade FX site's URL and if you look carefully, you could find the link for the custom “phantom packs”. Of course, check my profile and that would lead you the my site as well. Keep in mind that these are built per order, I do not have a warehouse full of these units, and it takes time to fabricate.

by Ectofiend

19 years, 3 months ago

*Ah…Good ‘ol Norm :-) …I’ve oogled his packs and traps since day 1 , and even more so since “Facade FX” was “born” :p …

*The problem however does not lie in his location [Meaning postage wouldn't even be a problem, as I could pick the stuff in person, as I live in Mechanicsville, Va; and he Springfield…Or is it still Falls Church?]..It lies in the price…Now I'm not saying that the time, execution, his skill [beautimus, to say the least], materials and such doesn't require a hefty restitution…And after all, thisisa “specialty operation”, and only two to my knowledge ever provided such a service, both of which I believe are out of the “fabrication & sales” part of the “propping” arena…

*And as I am “all thumbs” when it comes to fabrication of such things , this service is a “god-send”…

*All I'm saying is that, me personally, working “Nightstock” at Greatland Target, making $10/hr., and having shoddy hours at that, doesn't afford me the chance to “splurge” on gems such, as is his work…Maybe if it were more affordable …And I wouldn't half-ass the "experience either …Full-lit Packs & Trap, Ecto-Goggles (Or “Spectro-Visor” - Whichever you prefer], and whatever else he sells, pertaining to the garb…

*But it wouldn't end there - I have the flightsuit , ANOTHER patch, name “tape”, the soccer kneepads , the boots , the leg-hose - yadayadayada…All of which I'd have to get/alter/fabricate on my own…And then there's the PKE - no Ghostbuster is complete without one…I'd have to get someone to fabricate one for me on that end as well…

*So realistically, as it stands I'd be well-over $1,500-$2,000 in the hole…Something to which I can't afford to do right now …And I'm pretty sure alot if not the majority of the members here are “'po” just the same…

*So in conclusion , I would love to, but can't at the moment…

*However Norm - My friend Jeff from northern Va said he contacted you awhile back or tried to…He, a fellow “ghost head” , is also intrested in “propping”, and living out the “Ghostbusters experience”…He has the know-how of fabrication, but not the time, nor the space to accomplish this…Point is, we thought it would be cool to hang with you one day , maybe throw back a few, and talk propping - Show us the ropes, if nothing else - And I'd finally get to meet the infamous Norm Gagnon in the flesh

* is the current e-mail…Hit me up if this at all intrests you (*peter) …


- Lanny