Picked Up By Atari?

by GuyCC

16 years, 4 months ago

Dan Aykroyd apparently confirms Atari has picked it up, and it will be out in about a year:


If that's the case… if they take the extra time, and make it even better, I'll manage to wait until then. It will suck to wait, but I'll manage.

Somehow fitting in a way for Atari to put it out.

Well, they'll be getting my business, as opposed to crazy Activision.

by JonathanArcher

16 years, 4 months ago

Now that's what I'm fucking talking about. You see that folks, this is what I'm talking about. Hope though, it gets released in June instead of next October.

Well, they'll be getting my business, as opposed to crazy Activision.

You and me both, they're never getting my business ever again.

by demonaz

16 years, 4 months ago

A year away? About a year away? Wow, lol.

by JonathanArcher

16 years, 4 months ago

A year away? About a year away? Wow, lol.

As I said on Kotaku, I hope he means June, I really, really do, please for the love of God let him mean June.

Oh, and SkankerZero, since I know you're with Terminal Reality, Do not, I repeat, do not let Atari screw the game up.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 4 months ago

Well this would be nice news, regardless of it will take longer. By then they may add things to the game, or try to tie it in more with the potential 3rd movie.

In any case, I'm gonna take this with a grain of salt until it gets picked up by a more reputable source. Spelling Aykroyd as Ackroyd doesn't sound good to me.

by JonathanArcher

16 years, 4 months ago

Doctor Venkman;130132
Well this would be nice news, regardless of it will take longer. By then they may add things to the game, or try to tie it in more with the potential 3rd movie.

In any case, I'm gonna take this with a grain of salt until it gets picked up by a more reputable source. Spelling Aykroyd as Ackroyd doesn't sound good to me.

You haven't been to Kotaku that often, have you? Anyways, I'm dead thrilled, you see, was that this hard? Apparently yes.

But, as I said, I hope when Aykroyd says next year, I really hope he means next June.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 4 months ago

Jonathan Archer;130133
You haven't been to Kotaku that often, have you? Anyways, I'm dead thrilled, you see, was that this hard? Apparently yes.

But, as I said, I hope when Aykroyd says next year, I really hope he means next June.

What are you bipolar? You were extremely negative before, and irrational. I tried to point things out to you to help you make better, more mature sense of the situation. I wasn't attacking you, so there's no need to try to show me up or anything now because you got some news.

We get that you hope he means June. You've said it 3 times already in this thread.

by JonathanArcher

16 years, 4 months ago

Hey, as I said, all it takes is some official news, and wham, everything's good to go, cause in this situation, no news was not good news.

Just hope Atari doesn't butt in where they're not wanted when it comes to developing the game cause from what I see in the comments, Atari is not well liked.

We get that you hope he means June. You've said it 3 times already in this thread.

And is it any wonder, cause honestly, I know I complained about an 8 month delay, but a full year one would be even more of teh s uck.

by Kalonthar

16 years, 4 months ago

Well, being picked up by Atari would definately jive with my “A few days before we heard it was gonna possibly be Atari or EA, it popped in my head that maybe Atari should publish it when I passed the Atari booth at PAX, so going from my experiences they probably will” speculation, so I'll choose to believe this. Hopefully we can get an official announcement soon.

by JonathanArcher

16 years, 4 months ago

Well, being picked up by Atari would definately jive with my “going from experience and the fact that it popped in my head that maybe Atari will publish it when I passed the Atari booth at PAX”, I'll choose to believe this. Hopefully we can get an official announcement soon.

Heh, honestly, I don't think you could get anymore official then the creator himself, Mr. Aykroyd. I'm glad it got picked up though, this didn't deserve to sit in limbo.