1. No the game was not done, it was nearing completion, but it was far from complete. (Games are not complete until they have “gone gold” which means the master disc is sent off for retail reproduction, its at that stage its complete

2. The game industry does not announce anything like this until all the t's are crossed and the i's are dotted, and its painfully slow at doing so as well.
Also, this is the nature of the industry, waiting and waiting and…more waiting, especially when things like this happen, its even a waste of time to figure out WHY Activision dropped the game, the fact of the matter is, they dropped it, nothing we can do about it and trying to figure it out will either a) cause a blood vessel in our brains to explode and thus killing us and b) drive us insane so we cant enjoy the game when it does come out.
The fact is, we will hear when everything is ready to go, the best thing to do is to play some games, (the upcoming Fallout 3 and Tom Clancy's Endwar and Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3 are good examples

). Look forward to the upcoming release of the RGB DVD set which is something we have been waiting for more so then the game.
So relax, grab your favorite soft drink, pop in a new DVD or play a game and wait it out, things will be screamed at us through GBFans, Proton Charging and
GB.net when the news is received about what is happening.