Picked Up By Atari?

by skankerzero

16 years, 4 months ago

50 Cent and the fact that it's being released first reflects absolutely nothing on Ghostbusters.

I'm sure they had less t's and i's to cross and dot.

stop stressing over it. go play some games.

Think of it this way:

You're at the store. You see a 50 cent candy bar so you buy it. No big deal. Now, you see a 5 dollar candy bar. You don't just buy it. You think about it and decide if that's really what you want to spend your money on.

Now, think of it in terms of millions of dollars.

by JonathanArcher

16 years, 4 months ago

Yes, I know that it doesn't reflect on Ghostbusters' situation, but it still doesn't suck less that a game with a crappy rapper and whats probably one, if not the most absurd plot in video game history gets released first, or for that matter, picked back up when it should've been left for dead.

by rockstar232007

16 years, 4 months ago

Doctor Venkman;130528

Of course its not. You don't bring a game out as a new publisher a few weeks after signing the deal. They'll want to promote it. Let alone the fact that the game is probably still not fully completed due to the delays.

Its just odd that you brought up the date as sort of hopeful (severely doubting it rather than just accepting the fact that that is not even remotely possible).
The delay has nothing to do with the production of the game, only the marketing and what-not will be affected, so for all we know the game has been finished for a while, and we're just waiting for all the red tape to get cleared up, and with an IP like this, it could take a long while!

by KansasCityGB

16 years, 4 months ago

It's nice to see that Ghostbusters is nowhere to be found on the activision website finally. I was going to buy the new guitar hero but since it's activision I decided not to.

by ghstbstrlmliii1

16 years, 4 months ago

I was going to buy the new guitar hero but since it's activision I decided not to.

I think several people here have made the same decision, myself included. There are some nay-sayers who argue that it won't make a difference, but I think it's bound to make some. They chose to drop the GB game because they thought it wouldn't bring in the money they wanted (don't get me started on the whole Crash Bandicoot thing…). Well, that decision has lost the some of the money they have been seeking - mine (and several others around here). Do my 50-60 dollars here and there make a splash in their pockets - probably not. But multiple people not buying multiple of Activision's games is bound get noticed. Do they care - probably not. WoW will keep them running for years. But I will not be feeding the monster.

Now, back to Lego Batman, while I wait on Arkham Asylum and Aliens: Colonial Marines. Both of which I will probably, even if unfortunately, see before GB:TVG.

by skankerzero

16 years, 4 months ago

Jonathan Archer;130537
Yes, I know that it doesn't reflect on Ghostbusters' situation, but it still doesn't suck less that a game with a crappy rapper and whats probably one, if not the most absurd plot in video game history gets released first, or for that matter, picked back up when it should've been left for dead.

I honestly don't care, and I don't think you should care either.

by Kingpin

16 years, 4 months ago

The reasons for why 50 Cent's game is being released now and why it was picked up fairly easily are because it's a flash in the pan franchise, a cheap cash-in on his name like that movie of his… his is a game franchise that won't be remembered that much by this time next year so it doesn't really present itself as any kind of a threat.

The other reason, which has been uttered a few dozen times is that Ghostbusters has a lot more red tape attached to it's name.

Now I strongly encourage you to follow Skanker's suggestion, and stop caring about 50 Cent's game and to do something proactive, not still complaining about a set of circumstances that, as Dan said, we've had three months to come to terms with.

by JonathanArcher

16 years, 4 months ago

The situation is still pretty craptacular.

It's nice to see that Ghostbusters is nowhere to be found on the activision website finally. I was going to buy the new guitar hero but since it's activision I decided not to.

Yeah, I was looking into that new Spider-man game as well, but once I saw who was publishing it, all interest went right out the window.

by ghstbstrlmliii1

16 years, 4 months ago

I really give props to skankerzero for staying in touch. I know we can give off some “pretty negative vibes” around this place, but it's nice to know that someone with his hands on the game takes the time to keep up with us.

It lets us know that the game is still being taken care of, and that when something official does happen, we'll know.

Skankerzero, thank you for hanging out with our “highly passionate” fanbase, and thank the TR team for making what looks to be a beautiful game. I look forward to playing it.

by demonaz

16 years, 4 months ago

i really give props to skankerzero for staying in touch. I know we can give off some “pretty negative vibes” around this place, but it's nice to know that someone with his hands on the game takes the time to keep up with us.

It let's us know that the game is still being taken care of, and that when something official does happen, we'll know.

Skankerzero, thank you for hanging out with our “highly passionate” fanbase, and thank the tr team for making what looks to be a beautiful game. I look forward to playing it.

+1 …