Picked Up By Atari?

by GuyCC

16 years, 4 months ago

I also realized I misspelled Aykroyd's last name in my initial post (which I changed).

Damn, I always seem to do that with his last name. No disrespect, naturally.

by sandmanfvr

16 years, 4 months ago

That's what we've been trying to do.

NO, no you have not! You have two people, fucking this great GB forum up, and you mods haven't stopped them. Archer spams his whining shit over and over, and Dr. Venkman flames him and others to make himself look “big”. Hell Dr. V tried that shit to me over Private Messages, I reported him and you did NOTHING. These two need a nice BAN or something. If they post this crap, DELETE IT. Keep the forum clean, and make this forum fun again. I don't have post counts way up there like Dr. V, probably cause I don't argue with people on the net constantly, and I don't have to spam like Archer, but damn, I look at this site in my bookmarks and I don't like to come here: due to this crap. Dr. V, flame me all you want, you can fuck off. Archer, SHUT THE HELL UP. Grow a set, and get over Activision. If this was a more popular/heavier forum on the net, these two idiots would have been banned a long time ago. I really don't see the “I don't care” attitude of the mods in this forum. END THIS. Ban and/or delete their shit, then we can get on with GB stuff. Not that hard to do! (And no, don't flame me, I am just a member of this forum tired of the shit I see every time I come here)

by JonathanArcher

16 years, 4 months ago

And how about you shut the hell up yourself? You can say what you want, but honestly, no, I'll never forgive Activision for wanting to “exploit” Ghostbusters and dropping the game when they realize they can't.

As for posting, have you noticed that past November 1st I haven't, but you called me out, so well, its your own fault.

by sandmanfvr

16 years, 4 months ago

Forget it, this crap will never end. I will come back to this forum with this shit is gone, or fixed. *sigh*

by Kingpin

16 years, 4 months ago

NO, no you have not! You have two people, fucking this great GB forum up

Watch your language! For the most part, Jonathan and Dan have only been arguing in threads dedicated to the game, or mentioning Atari, so that undermines your argument that they're mucking up the forum.

and you mods haven't stopped them. Archer spams his whining shit over and over, and Dr. Venkman flames him and others to make himself look “big”.

What do you suggest I do? I can't ban Jonathan, should I have had cause. Only Administrators can ban people, the worst I can give him is to use some sort of citation system which I think only flags people up if they're reported, rather than leading to a system-generated suspension. I doubt deleting posts would've gotten anywhere either as they would've carried on, and as they weren't slanderous, or overly insulting, I don't think I'd have had justification in deleting them. I have had to lock at least one topic because of this ongoing quarrel and I've threatened that others will be locked if it continues.

Hell Dr. V tried that shit to me over Private Messages, I reported him and you did NOTHING.

I'm sorry, but as it was conducted in private messages I was inclined to treat it as a case of ‘he said/she said’ and I didn't take sides with either party.

These two need a nice BAN or something.

If anything is in need, it'd be a suspension, not a ban. And again, I can't implement one even if I wanted to because that's something only a Admin can do.

If they post this crap, DELETE IT. Keep the forum clean, and make this forum fun again.

Again, I don't see justification for deleting them.

I don't have post counts way up there like Dr. V, probably cause I don't argue with people on the net constantly, and I don't have to spam like Archer, but damn, I look at this site in my bookmarks and I don't like to come here: due to this crap.

Dan's post count isn't high because he's always arguing with everyone, and Jonathan didn't usually post content that could be classified as spam, it's only a recent development.

Dr. V, flame me all you want, you can fuck off. Archer, SHUT THE HELL UP. Grow a set, and get over Activision.

Being beligerant, argumentative, confrontational and using the extreme end of the swearing spectrum hardly puts you in a better moral standing then Dan or Jonathan.

I really don't see the “I don't care” attitude of the mods in this forum.

There is no ‘I don’t care' attitude.

Forget it, this crap will never end. I will come back to this forum with this shit is gone, or fixed. *sigh*

Well, it can be argued that you added fuel to the flame just because you decided to post your rant in public rather than in a private request through PM.

However, as I have no read your complaint about this, I believe I have a solution that should please most people. Tomorrow I'll temporarily lock this topic, and split off the posts that have on the most part, taken it off topic with Activision bashing. Once that has been done, the topic will be unlocked.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 4 months ago

NO, no you have not! You have two people, fucking this great GB forum up, and you mods haven't stopped them. Archer spams his whining shit over and over, and Dr. Venkman flames him and others to make himself look “big”. Hell Dr. V tried that shit to me over Private Messages, I reported him and you did NOTHING. These two need a nice BAN or something. If they post this crap, DELETE IT. Keep the forum clean, and make this forum fun again. I don't have post counts way up there like Dr. V, probably cause I don't argue with people on the net constantly, and I don't have to spam like Archer, but damn, I look at this site in my bookmarks and I don't like to come here: due to this crap. Dr. V, flame me all you want, you can fuck off. Archer, SHUT THE HELL UP. Grow a set, and get over Activision. If this was a more popular/heavier forum on the net, these two idiots would have been banned a long time ago. I really don't see the “I don't care” attitude of the mods in this forum. END THIS. Ban and/or delete their shit, then we can get on with GB stuff. Not that hard to do! (And no, don't flame me, I am just a member of this forum tired of the shit I see every time I come here)

Where did this come from? My argument with you was a few months ago, and given that it was through Private Messages, and not spamming up the forum, I don't think anyone can classify that as against the rules. We don't all have to like everyone on this forum. I took my dislike to you through Private Messages, not on the public forum. I did nothing wrong. And do you not realize, or do you just not care, that you were making the exact same points to Jonathan that I was? I had been telling him to join other conversations and not continually post negativity about Activision. For the most part, he has stopped. You come in here with all this garbage, flaming us, nearly a week after either Jonathan or I had posted in this topic, and we're the ones who deserved banning? I think its time to take a look in the mirror pal.

by ScottSommer

16 years, 4 months ago


I know this really doesn't help, but I would like to give my opinion about this. I don't want to be rude. I don;t really mind if this post gets deleted, but I just want to say while I can just so you all know.

As you know, I respect all of you. Archer, Kingpin, Dr. Venkman, and the rest.

Archer, I respect your opinion about Activision and I agree, in fact I think most can agree with you Archer. However, the point is not what you are posting, but how many times you are posting it. We just want you to stop or try to find something more….useful to talk about in terms of Ghostbusters the game. No doubt you are a fine member of this forum, but enough is enough on the topic of Activision dropping it. Just be thankful that the game wasn't cancelled permanently.

Dr. Venkman, your actions have the right intentions, but sometimes you do it the wrong way. Not saying you do this all the time or that you re a bad person because many members also do the same thing. Again, I respect you, but you need to know that fighting sometimes isn't worth it and it leads to things like this. The more someone responds to a reaction, the more the person tries to reinforce the behavior. Sometimes there is a place where you can argue the first part, but then realize that it won't make a difference so you stop or not bother.

Kingpin, again I respect you as well. I know you are trying to make this place clean and try to keep it the right way, but sometimes even you can go the wrong path. You are human after all just like the rest of us. The one thing I can say is that you at least know the proper ethics and some outburst you do mmake was more from human error rather than purposely making things worse. We all have our breaking points and sometimes it is stressful.

sandmanfvr, I understand your concern, but what you did was completly wrong. You could have said the same thing in a more polite, more mature manner. The more immaturity you enforce in ANY forum is like trying to put out flames with gasoline like Kingpin stated. See the forum ethics is not just the responsibility of the Admins and mods. The responsibility is in the members as well. When you sign up for a forum, you will notice they all have forum rules that are guidelines to how the forum should run and behave. Granted this won't happen all the time, but the mod only enforces the rules to make sure the forum runs smoothly. They cannot be held responsible for your actions and it is not their job to take responsibility. It is yours. Dr. Venkman had it right when he sent you a private message rather than post it on the forum.

I am glad the mods, like Kingpin, don't play favoritism when it comes to members. I once was on a site that did this and I got banned several times. Not because I did anything wrong, far from it, but because some people had a beef with me on the forum. Some regular members were indeed friends with the mods and they “cried” to the forum mods despite them flaming me and spamming me and threatening to kill me. This not only happened to me of course, but has happened to many of my friends and many people on the site. I don't know if I should post the site name here so I won't, but just to hint “Two colors fighting each other in a video game.”

I have seen really bad forums and this isn't one of them. Trust me I have seen a lot worse and this place is great. Far superior than the one mentioned above.

Okay Kingpin, do what you need to do and I thank you for allowing to at least say what I needed to.

by Kalonthar

16 years, 4 months ago

"To recognize this special milestone, Sony Pictures Consumer Products Inc has licensed the property for several new products to commemorate the anniversary, including: video games, toys, t-shirts, comic books, prop replicas, and a theme park attraction"

I like where this is going.

by Lord_Kane

16 years, 4 months ago

Hey, this might lighten the mood a bit…I hope!




To double confirm Gaming newsite “Shacknews” ( A place I hang around in addition to GB.net) has also confirmed it:


it also confirms the 2009 release. things are looking up!