Picked Up By Atari?

by mdp872105

16 years, 4 months ago

Truth be told (please hold your stones) if the game could have a character creator I would be willing to wait till next october just so I could make my self a ghostbuster.

by Sp9543

16 years, 4 months ago

Truth be told (please hold your stones) if the game could have a character creator I would be willing to wait till next october just so I could make my self a ghostbuster.

That's an interesting comment. I feels as though it would make the wait more tolerable as well. Everyone on this board wants the character creator. I would wait for that.

by JonathanArcher

16 years, 4 months ago

Truth be told (please hold your stones) if the game could have a character creator I would be willing to wait till next october just so I could make my self a ghostbuster.

That definitly would make a year long delay way more tolerable, but I think we should wait and see what Atari has to say on the situation first before asking Terminal Reality to add things in.

by lionheart1

16 years, 4 months ago

Truth be told (please hold your stones) if the game could have a character creator I would be willing to wait till next october just so I could make my self a ghostbuster.

I think if the character you play as is going to be a silent hero (I don't think he speaks or they address him by anything but nicknames like “rookie” and “kid,” at least I haven't seen that), you should have the option of customizing him or her in a game like this. I don't think it'd be that hard to do, but if they had prerendered cut scenes, it would kinda screw the pooch on that, but Hell, the graphics are already really great in GB and prerendered cut scenes were kind of last gen.

by Yourbigpalal83

16 years, 4 months ago

i think by halloween (this year) we should know exactley whats going on.

As for clearing up the red tape, i doubt that would take a year. Also, i severly doubt atari will mess with a completed project, the most they would do is slap there logo on the box and at the begining of the game and on some credits.

Also, has anyone actuley heard this radio interview? Within a year, a year away, etc, all can mean almost anything, esp consitering dans tone of voice.

I just dont see the need, to wait till next halloween to sell the game. Sure, ghost…ghostbusters, halloween, spooky,, blah, but i just dont see them sitting on it for that long, inless they are making some major movie related anouncements, before the game is launched, who knows, maby durring that summer they might aprove and film ghostbusters 3 (i doubt it but it seems more likely now then ever) and the game will unlock certain items from the set, trailers, behind the scenes footage, etc)

But thats if they get the movie going and filming in the first place. I know of no game, that will sit and wait just a year for a possable movie tie in, all in the hopes of getting material from the film to serve as unlockables for the game.

What seems more realistic, is they launch the game, then re launch it after shooting is complete, and put out a special edition of the game, with movie unlockables. right then and there increasing there chances for repeat sales

but who knows. right now, intill i have official stuff to read, its all spectulation

by rodie1

16 years, 4 months ago

Man, I could be heading up to Wal-mart right now to pick up the game. ACTIVISION, I HATE YOU.

by JonathanArcher

16 years, 4 months ago

Man, I could be heading up to Wal-mart right now to pick up the game. ACTIVISION, I HATE YOU.

And I could be picking it up tomorrow, 3 different versions. Damn you to Hell Activision.

by Kingpin

16 years, 4 months ago

Guys, you really need to find a offline hobby that don't involve complaining about Activision.

by rodie1

16 years, 4 months ago

Actually, that was the first time I made a real gripe. Thanks for the advice though.

by Slimed84

16 years, 4 months ago

Up until I read this thread I forgot that the game was originally suppose to come out today, thanks a lot Rodie