Picked Up The RGB TPB.

by GuyCC

19 years, 2 months ago

Went to the comic store last night, and on the new release shelf was the Real Ghostbusters TPB (“A Hard Days Fright”). I knew it was coming, but I didn't expect it to be out now. It was a nice surprise. It's a tiny book. Don't expect it to be in regular comic-sized format.

I haven't fully read it yet, but it has some quirky story ideas (good Slimer/evil Slimer, a robot Ghostbuster, fighting mammoths in Russia), and the writing is definitely British in feel, mannerisms and wording. I thought the biggest difference is that in “The Trouble With Simers” story, Peter kept getting angry at Slimer for drinking his beer. That's something that would have never been mentioned in the cartoon.

If anything, it's fun to read just to see how the folks across the pond view the Ghostbusters.

At the end, there's even a mention of a second TPB: “Who You Gonna Call?” Hopefully, it will come out early next year.

Titan Books is doing the publishing. Who originally published these stories? Kingpin, would you know?

Ah, well. It's nice to get some form of Ghostbusters comic again.


19 years, 2 months ago

Ya know, we got a whole Comicguide dedicated to this stuff. Ah well.

Anyways, the strips were originally published by Marvel Comics UK, and according to Amazon Who Ya Gonna Call? should be out in December for the UK and February for the US.

Also, another note: this isn't a typical TPB. Instead of reprinting entire issues, these are select stories from the first 10 of the series (I'm guessing on the Mammoth one as I don't have that issue yet). Missing are the additional strips, the Slimer strips, the prose stories and 7 Spengler Spirit Guides.

As for what's missing, you can check out (shameless plug) the Comicguide's RGBUK section. I'll also be covering the TPB towards the end of the “British Invasion”.

by GuyCC

19 years, 2 months ago

Actually, the book DOES have some of the Spengler's Spirit Guides, but as you stated there are more, there are 5 in this one.

I want to sit down and read it all properly, but alas, I have a Christmas party to clean house for. :p


19 years, 2 months ago

Actually, 4. So it's only missing 6 of them as they were in each issue (assuming the Mammoth one is from #10 again). Also the character intro on the first page is the same that was on the inside cover of every issue.

by CaptainNate

19 years, 2 months ago

Wait, it came out via the comic book shops? I had no idea. Was it distributed through Diamond?

by castewar1

19 years, 2 months ago

Yes, it was solicited through Diamond.

by GuyCC

19 years, 2 months ago

Actually, it is five: “Ghosts”, “Demons”, “Ectoplasm”, “Spooky Noises” and “Lost Cities”.

Turns out there was one to grow on, so another reason to stay under the covers with the flashlight just a bit longer. :p


19 years, 2 months ago

Hmm, wonder how I kept missing that one. Ah well.

And yeah, I was surprised to find out my shop got copies. I had ordered it through Amazon Marketplace, but I guess now I'll just wait for my shop to get future volumes.

by GuyCC

19 years, 1 month ago

I remember someone posting that Vol. 2 should be out soon.

February, wasn't it?

The stories are fun enough, but after reading it, it's funny to see how Brits perceive New York attitude.


19 years, 1 month ago

February 1, 2006.