Picked Up The RGB TPB.

by GuyCC

19 years, 1 month ago

Cool. Thank you. I remember when the Marvel Transformers series published a few of the UK issues during the series run. I look forward to seeing what we missed over here back in the day.


19 years, 1 month ago

Answer: not too much. In terms of quality, anyways.

But if you want more of a fix, you could always look into getting the last half of the Slimer! series and RGB vol. 2 from NOW, as well as vol. 1 #21. Those all feature reprints of the UK series.

by sinister1

19 years, 1 month ago

Wow I remember that cover from the old RGB Annual days…

It had a story that freaked me out so badly as a kid… I believe it was called “Chocolate Fudge Up” is that story in this TPB?

by Peter_Randall

19 years, 1 month ago

Unfortunately no - but I have that exact annual, and I know what you're talking about. It's the one where Ray's aunt bakes a cake which has a ghost in it, right? The ghost was fuckscary. And Ray swelling up. Probably the best art ever seen in Marvel's RGB…


19 years, 1 month ago

See, now I'm gonna want that one. But the only problem is you Brits like to ream us overseas buyers with the shipping, as Randall can attest to that. Remember that one I showed ya? Ripoff central.

To clarify, Sinister, this TPB only reprints select stories from the first 10 issues of the series. Second one'll probably be the next 10 if this' the pattern.

by sinister1

19 years, 1 month ago

Unfortunately no - but I have that exact annual, and I know what you're talking about. It's the one where Ray's aunt bakes a cake which has a ghost in it, right? The ghost was fuckscary. And Ray swelling up. Probably the best art ever seen in Marvel's RGB…

I never read the story, i was too scared. And i havent eaten fudge since…

by GuyCC

19 years, 1 month ago

What I'd really like to find is the NOW adaption of Ghostbusters II with the Real Ghostbusters.

If not the issues, I'd love to at least read it online.


19 years, 1 month ago

The guy who wrote them also has them up for sale on Ebay, including art proofs from the issues and the unpublished ending available for autographing.

by gjustis1

19 years, 1 month ago

Have one of the RGP TPB's for sale in case anyone's interested….$5 plus shipping.