Picture editing, a cutting and pasting problem...help!

by MasterSpider

23 years ago

I am working on the upcoming Ghostbusters RPG, and the problem I have is cutting oblecjts out in paint shop pro. I want to cut a specific object, and paste it exactly in that shape in the next picture. How would i do that? I've done alot of picture editing as you can see from my logo's, website, etc, and I can't figure this one thing out.

by MasterSpider

23 years ago

Ok, I know someone has to be able to help me, seeing as how there's so many beautifully done logos and profile images around here. Please!!! I't s for an important cause!!!

by Ectoman

23 years ago

Sounds like you want to crop a picture? It is like cutting and pasting it as a new image.. If that is what you want to do.. it is the 4th tool from the top..

by MasterSpider

23 years ago

Not quite, I actually know what cropping is. In real life, for example, say I had a GB logo, I cut it out with some scissors, and pasted it onto an existing picture of NYC. How would I do that here?


23 years ago

I'm not familar with PSP, but you could save the pic as a gif and then paste it into the other pic….

by MasterSpider

23 years ago

Jesusfreak, I see your new banner, and you display exactly what I'm talking about. I want to find out how exactly you cut out those little characters specifically, and pasted them onto the blue background. I don't care if I have to find another program, phot shop or whatever you may use, I don't mind, I just need help! Thanks guys.


23 years ago

I told you how I did it….

by MasterSpider

23 years ago

Save the pic as a gif, and paste it onto the other image, I know, but what do you do about borders? do you like color around it or something? And that's still not quite what I'm looking for, sorry, everyone, here's what I mean. I Had a GB Logo, and put it exactly onto another picture, without “drawing” on that other picture,leaving it alone and just pasting that logo on there. Like I said before, just like making a collage in real life with scissors and glue.

by Ectoman

23 years ago

Ah.. you just want to Cut.. and then when in the new picture.. paste into selection.. or CTRL + E

by MasterSpider

23 years ago

Ok guys, I think I get it now, thanks alot.