Picture Request Thread


20 years, 2 months ago

Okay, another Peoplebusters request…a good shot of their packs/guns and their Ecto-1.


by missygirl8520001

20 years, 2 months ago

Hey does anyone has pictures from the episode Look Homeward Ray? Thanks.

by flynn1978

20 years ago

Hello! Does anyone have pictures of the Junior Ghostbusters?

by JadedJewel

20 years ago

I would like some shots from the RGB ep: Janine, you changed
Egon talking about it they were too late to Save Janine(I saw it in the archives while watching it)
Peter in the shower (Trust me on it)
and some various shots of the gang

and, if possible, a few shots of Peter near the end of “The Thing in Mrs. Favershom's Attic” - I have some from it, but I want the shots when he tells the gang about his mom, so sad.

Thank you in advance (Bows)

by ghostbusterben

19 years, 11 months ago

I desperately need pics of RGB traps. Don't care if screenshots oe not.

by citizen_ghost1

19 years, 10 months ago

I'm looking for any nice GB pic that I can use for a signature. That would be sweet if anyone has the time.

by ghostbusterben

19 years, 10 months ago

Also need pictures of Kylie for site.

by flynn1978

19 years, 4 months ago

Hello! I really need pictures of the junior ghostbusters. Does anyone have episodes, pictures, or the like of them??

by TheTaskmaster

19 years, 4 months ago

Here you go. Bad news is that you can't right click, you have to do screenshots to get the pics.


by fusi0n1

19 years, 2 months ago

Um, okay. I didn't think this thread was THAT bad that ppl stopped posting pics, so I guess I'll take over for a while.

Cue “Saving The Day” music, fusion walks in…

Alrighty, what have we here.

I need if anybody has it a scan of the futureist Ecto-1 thats feature in Making Ghostbusters.
Had a look on my ‘99 DVD and there is no Making Of doco, there is a featurette, but doesn’t have any behind the scenes / conceptual art stuff. Is this video available anywhere? Or am I looking on the wrong area?

Okay, another Peoplebusters request…a good shot of their packs/guns and their Ecto-1.

And I threw in an avatar while I was in the area, feel free to use it. (more to come) Use the link: http://img462.imageshack.us/img462/2200/pplbusters3ol.gif

Hey does anyone has pictures from the episode Look Homeward Ray? Thanks.
Sorry, don't have that one, I'll see what I can do.

Jaded Jewel
I would like some shots from the RGB ep: Janine, you changed
Sorry, will get back to you if I find it.

I desperately need pics of RGB traps. Don't care if screenshots oe not.
How's these ones?

I'm looking for any nice GB pic that I can use for a signature. That would be sweet if anyone has the time.
Er, can you be more specific? If you want a signature, let me know what sorta pics and I can supply them if you like.

Also need pictures of Kylie for site.
Any particular expression you want on her face? Or doing anything, throwing a trap, proton beam? Anyway, I did these.

Hello! I really need pictures of the junior ghostbusters
Don't have much, but how's these:

These were from “Halloween II and a half”, and “The Boogieman Is Back”