Picture Request Thread

by castewar1

17 years, 2 months ago

You took all the wrinkles out of his scan?

Wish I could've… but I figured I'd just build one from scratch that'd get the job done as nicely.

That's what I was thinking as well - with the exception of the logo and the ID CARD on mine, it's all rebuilt. I used the ID CARD from the original, as it was easy enough to clean up (I tried rebuilding it, but we both had the same problem - we didn't have the right font for the C.)

I didn't have a logo on hand like you did, sadly, or I would have pushed on a bit further. The big logo on the flip-side on yours is excellent - where'd you get it?

by Kingpin

17 years, 2 months ago

You took all the wrinkles out of his scan?

Wish I could've… but I figured I'd just build one from scratch that'd get the job done as nicely.

That's what I was thinking as well - with the exception of the logo and the ID CARD on mine, it's all rebuilt. I used the ID CARD from the original, as it was easy enough to clean up (I tried rebuilding it, but we both had the same problem - we didn't have the right font for the C.)

I didn't have a logo on hand like you did, sadly, or I would have pushed on a bit further. The big logo on the flip-side on yours is excellent - where'd you get it?

Made it from scratch, I had a vector version of the GB logo left over from another project I'd worked on a while back,(which I now use whenever I need a large version of the Ghostbusters logo) which fitted easily enough into place, however I created the ‘The Real Ghostbusters’ that surrounded it in Illustrator, making the text follow half of a circle each so that it'd curve as close as possible when compared to the original ID card graphic.

Once that was there I imported the curved text into Photoshop. I then went back went back to Illustrator and drew a line and made it follow the same curve as the text, the idea for this being that I'd then make the line thick enough that that when I imported the line into Photoshop I could then blur it and make it look like the curved glow behind the text. The smaller glows behind the letters, specificially the red glow for ‘REAL’ was a standard glow from the layer options.

I hope that makes sense. (*peter)

by Ectoman57

17 years, 1 month ago

im looking for scans of the marshmallow man concept pics, they were in the little book that comes with the GB/GB2 two pack, just looking for marshmallow man, doesnt ahve to be too great cause im gonna trace over them anyway. thanks.

by Corruptparadise

17 years, 1 month ago

im looking for scans of the marshmallow man concept pics, they were in the little book that comes with the GB/GB2 two pack, just looking for marshmallow man, doesnt ahve to be too great cause im gonna trace over them anyway. thanks.

I'm looking for those aswell

by zack1

17 years, 1 month ago

Hey all, didn't have any luck on gbprops so far but does anyone have their RGB firehouse sign they wouldn't mind scanning. Mine like a lot of people's is missing and I'd like to make one for it. Thanks to anyone who can help! :-)

by Ectoman57

17 years, 1 month ago

looking for a ful scan of the neca ghosbusers ad, the one that came with slimer, gozer…..etc

by BigMac

17 years ago

I’m looking for some pretty high resolution photos of the Ghostbusters. I prefer them to be mainly focusing on the face. Also a picture of slimer :-)

I need them for the GTA Ghostbusters mod

by Nix

17 years ago

*NEW REQUEST [Take 2]*

*I'm looking for a BIG high-quality, high-resolution image of the illustration from the official storybook of GB1 …From the “introduction page” …

*This is not the bigger storybook, based on the first movie, nor the “Training Manual”, or the other book put out by the same publishing company, around the same time, with Stay Puft on the cover …

*The illustration comes from the particular storybook that has the caption at the bottom “…Featuring The Ugly Little Spud”…

*Remember - This is the smaller storybook with the stickers in the back …I just need the illustration from the first page please …

*Or, there is a puzzle from the same year with the same illustration, though it's a bit harder to find …If anyone has this, either would be fine …

*Thanks in advance!!


Ah, that one? If nobody else has done it…your wish is my command.

by Mr__Pecker

17 years ago

Afternoon (or whatever time it is where you are) im looking for some animated/moving gifs files preferebly of ecto1, am gonna try and DL some software the weekend to do it but woundered if anyone has or knows where i can get some? Only one ive found is the one thats on here with pete about to be slimed.

cheers, and very good site!!

by Mile73

16 years, 9 months ago

I've been trying to get screen captures of the ghosts that I need for a project. However, they've been coming out like shit. The first ghost appears at the 01:09:30 mark of Ghostbusters. The second and final ghost shows up at the 01:19:32 mark of Ghostbusters 2. If anyone can get me awesomely detailed screen caps or any kind of behind the scenes art for these two ghosts, I'd owe you a life debt, much like the majestic samurai of yesteryear. If you aren't into the whole life debt thing, whoever produces the best, most awesome and plentiful pictures can have my soul. I'll post pictures of the project when it's finished.