Picture Request Thread

by fusi0n1

18 years, 8 months ago

What's going on with the pics from Dairy Farm or Light Camera Hanuting? I'm just checking. :p
Hey Farah,
Still looking… hopefully get these soon for you.

I'd like a compilation of pics of ‘Apartment 5’ in the film, Suicide Kings. This location was shot inside of LA23 and as such, shows portions of the building I have not yet been able to map out.
Hi Ben,
Were you after the interior apartment shots, or the interior building shots? And do you remember any scenes in particular that a particular shot/view you liked? (ie. near the start, guys walking in, etc.)

by xander

18 years, 8 months ago

I need some RGB ghost pics. If you can post any and all pics I wold be most grateful. Thank you .

by Kingpin

18 years, 8 months ago

What's going on with the pics from Dairy Farm or Light Camera Hanuting? I'm just checking. :p
Hey Farah,
Still looking… hopefully get these soon for you.

I'd like a compilation of pics of ‘Apartment 5’ in the film, Suicide Kings. This location was shot inside of LA23 and as such, shows portions of the building I have not yet been able to map out.
Hi Ben,
Were you after the interior apartment shots, or the interior building shots? And do you remember any scenes in particular that a particular shot/view you liked? (ie. near the start, guys walking in, etc.)

FusiOn, for ‘Apartment 5’ it's the interior shots… I wasn't aware of any exteriors… but I believe it's set in the rear third of the Third Floor of the Firehouse which I'm yet to find good reference for… I guess just go for any shots that are unique and/or help to reveal the layout and size of the rooms. I can't honestly tell you which exact shots because I only realised it was LA23 moments before it left the screen.

by itsdoctorvenkman

18 years, 6 months ago

Ok boys and girls step right up, I'm going to attempt to fufill as many requests as humanly possible. I have pics for you of the Grundle, Dairy Farm, and Lights Camera Haunting:

The Grundle:

Dairy Farm:

Lights! Camera! Haunting!: (Note I was only able to cap from the first 2 minutes. My copy skipped. I'll attempt to find a better copy. But for now, I guess better this than nothing.

Any more requests, just throw em down.

by missygirl8520001

18 years, 6 months ago

Hey thank you so much! (^_^) (*ray)

by itsdoctorvenkman

18 years, 6 months ago

No prob.

by Spengler7

18 years, 6 months ago

river_of_slime wrote:
I need if anybody has it a scan of the futureist Ecto-1 thats feature in Making Ghostbusters.

Don't have this feature, I only have the '99 release DVDs.

I think he refers to the Ecto 1 as drawn in the book “Making Ghostbusters” by Don Shay… it wasn't the '59 Cadillac Ambulance we know

Pictures can be found on below link:

You can also see a pre-production drawing showing the Ecto-2 (or Ecto 1a) was supposed to be a real NY yellow cab, customised for the Ghostbusters

Pretty interesting, coz I didn't know that myself :S

BTW… the one I'm talking about that is in the Book “making ghostbusters” is the last image they show… with all those antenna's

by Kingpin

18 years, 5 months ago

I'd like to make a request, if anyone has a decent quality version of the original RGB promo image that got marketed around.

The piece has film styled Ghostbusters in Ecto-1 chasing after Slimer (It's on the TV tray).

However, I'm after the ‘full’ version… the one that wasn't cropped for the VHS.

As good a quality possible is preferred, but not if it's too much trouble.

Thanks for whatever help is provided.

by Courage

18 years, 5 months ago

Anyone have any RGB scene Gifs? I'm particulalrly looking for cool shots of them trapping or blasting. I once saw an awesome one of Ray shooting towards the camera while fighting Doc Holiday after jumping out a window in “Ghost fight at the OK corral”

Even XGB gifs would be pretty cool.

by fusi0n1

18 years, 5 months ago

Sorry for my absence, I haven't forgotten about this thread.

I'd like a compilation of pics of ‘Apartment 5’ in the film, Suicide Kings. This location was shot inside of LA23 and as such, shows portions of the building I have not yet been able to map out.
Sorry for the delay, these should be up shortly. Finally managed to find time to watch the movie and find what you were looking for.

I'm also looking for Firehouse pics from Set It Off (Film with Queen Latifah I think, bunch of cleaning ladies pull off a bank heist).
Unfortunately I don't have this, someone will have to supply it. (Or wait a while til I get a chance to get the movie.)

I'd like to make a request, if anyone has a decent quality version of the original RGB promo image that got marketed around.

The piece has film styled Ghostbusters in Ecto-1 chasing after Slimer (It's on the TV tray).

However, I'm after the ‘full’ version… the one that wasn't cropped for the VHS.

As good a quality possible is preferred, but not if it's too much trouble.

Thanks for whatever help is provided.
Have you tried asking Gh0stbuster? He used that picture for some of his DVD designs, and I'm assuming they are of decent size and quality.