Picture Request Thread

by Kingpin

18 years, 5 months ago


1) Thanks… I'd say out of the three requests this is the rarest one, so thanks for being able to get a compilation together.

2) This one isn't pressing… it's likely I might find the DVD of it going cheap so I might be able to pick it up, I figured I'd ask anyway on the offchance someone had a copy.

3) Thankfully Gh0stbuster was able to provide a copy to me, so this no longer needs to be pursued.

Once again, thank you for handling the bulk of these requests from people, it's a great deal of public spirit.

…no pun intended. :p

by imported_Ghoulishfright

18 years, 4 months ago

Can someone please provide pics of these two ghosts??? I'm trying to draw some fan-art.

1.) The Boogieman. Particularly his legs and coat. I've found two decent head shots, thats it. Need some body shots though.

2.) That “clock ghost” from the episode where Egon starts to rapidly de-age, eventually into a baby. Can't think of the title. A few detailed pics would really help out…

by Kingpin

18 years, 4 months ago

2) Three Men and an Egon, Ghoulishfright.

by fusi0n1

18 years, 4 months ago

I'd like a compilation of pics of ‘Apartment 5’ in the film, Suicide Kings. This location was shot inside of LA23 and as such, shows portions of the building I have not yet been able to map out.
These have been emailed to you.

Can someone please provide pics of these two ghosts??? I'm trying to draw some fan-art.

1.) The Boogieman. Particularly his legs and coat. I've found two decent head shots, thats it. Need some body shots though.

There are other Boogieman pics in the previous pages, but I'm pretty sure these will do.

2.) That “clock ghost” from the episode where Egon starts to rapidly de-age, eventually into a baby. Can't think of the title. A few detailed pics would really help out…

I need some RGB ghost pics. If you can post any and all pics I wold be most grateful. Thank you
You want any specific ones? The main guys have been done in this thread. (Sam Hein, Grundel, Boogieman, etc.) were there any others you're chasing?

Anyone have any RGB scene Gifs? I'm particulalrly looking for cool shots of them trapping or blasting. I once saw an awesome one of Ray shooting towards the camera while fighting Doc Holiday after jumping out a window in “Ghost fight at the OK corral”

Even XGB gifs would be pretty cool.
Are you after animations, say for an avatar?


Here the unfulfilled requests from this thread:

Im looking for a High Quality pic of the GB2 logo, so i can put it onto a T-Shirt. Can anyone help. Matt
This was posted back in '04. I am redrawing the Ghostbusters II logo so it can be available for any size, in any colour on any background. Will post when ready. I do have the original logo as vector art, which can be supplied at ANY size, please request a size and it will be posted. (IE if you want a large version for stickers, shirts, etc.)

Actually, I've been trying to find the pic of RGB Egon's nametag (the only time a nametag is shown on an RGB uniform).
*EDIT*: Episode name is ‘Elementary, Dr. Winston’
In progress…

*I'm looking for a BIG high-quality, high-resolution image of the illustration from the official storybook of GB1 …From the “introduction page” …
*This is not the bigger storybook, based on the first movie, nor the “Training Manual”, or the other book put out by the same publishing company, around the same time, with Stay Puft on the cover …
*The illustration comes from the particular storybook that has the caption at the bottom “…Featuring The Ugly Little Spud”…
*Remember - This is the smaller storybook with the stickers in the back …I just need the illustration from the first page please …
*Or, there is a puzzle from the same year with the same illustration, though it's a bit harder to find …If anyone has this, either would be fine …
*Thanks in advance!!

*While I'm at it, could someone please make some new screen caps of the ORGB Preview?…Pictures different than those found on Spook Central…

*For instance - When the Ecto-1 is crashing through that person's bedroom window…
Don't have any of these I'm afraid…


by imported_Ghoulishfright

18 years, 4 months ago

Thanks Fusi0n, those were helpful.

by Kingpin

18 years, 4 months ago

Fomeboy, thank you very much for the pictures.

The early shots have helped to establish a doorway I did not know existed near the front of the building, and I wouldn't be surprised if the main ‘apartment’ was the rear section of the Firehouse, based in the Captain's quarters.

It's certainly not the first time that floor's been used as an apartment.

Heh, there anything I can do for you in return? :p

by fomeboy

18 years, 4 months ago

Fomeboy, thank you very much for the pictures.

Kingpin what pictures?

I think you meant Fusion

by fusi0n1

18 years, 4 months ago

Heh, there anything I can do for you in return? :p
You can get my name right for a start. :p :-)

Damn you fomeboy, your charming ways are infecting everyone!

by fomeboy

18 years, 4 months ago


by Kingpin

18 years, 4 months ago

Apologies, Fusion.

Not sure how I did that.