Picture request: Tomorrow Never Dies

by Kingpin

18 years, 4 months ago

I'm sure we had a picture request topic in Misc in the past…

Anyway, I'd like- if anyone is able to get them -any close shots of the Tomorrow newspaper shown in Tomorrow Never Dies. Preferably full page shots, but as long as the newspaper banner is in view then that'll suffice.

I'd like to have these on hand before November 16th, so anyone who's able to produce these within the limit will have my eternal blessing.

by fusi0n1

18 years, 3 months ago

For future requests, please post in the official Picture Request Thread located in the General forum. :p (To be fair, it was originally in the Miscellaneous)

Geez, didn't anyone help Ben out?

Sorry mate, I've been really busy last few weeks haven't even been to the forums otherwise I would have helped.

by Kingpin

18 years, 3 months ago

It's no problem Fusion, as is I managed to track down the DVD at my local Library.

I almost think it's worthwhile keeping this here as maybe the one in General should be Ghostbusters centric, it practically is anyway.

You have any thoughts on that?

by fusi0n1

18 years, 3 months ago

I personally think we should have just the one Pic Request thread and it should be here.

Requesting a picture to me, isn't part of a “General Ghostbusters” discussion, it's one of those Misc topics.

Sure, the majority of pic requests will be Ghostbusters-related, but we're on a Ghostbusters forum after all.

by rsymmo

15 years, 1 month ago

hi everyone, i have a 17 inch mr stay puft marshmallow man from neca for sale still in box never been used or played with. comes from a smoke free and pet free home. ill be selling for £125 or nearest offer. please contact me if intrested on russsymmons@yahoo.co.uk.

i will be putting it on ebay soon, so if you want to pick up a bargain, contact me before next friday