Pirated Books of Russia

by FER

15 years, 7 months ago

In 1994 in Russia was opened publishers Minsk, which and has presented Russian fans such known heroes as Ghostbusters and TMNT. Some books differed the good plot, but majority from plot was stolen(together with dialogue) from the known film. So Huntsmans foughted with Dracula and Freddy(1995).
Whole left 15 books on ghostbusters, and 40 on TMNT - but in the same way book on TMNT with plot Ghostbusters (http://www.turtles-ninja.narod.ru/books-minsk/start.html)
If in TMNT muddled natures, that Ghostbusters authors knew on fine, realy that Zeddmore became Zamaiana

by Nix

15 years, 7 months ago

Amazing. I didn't even know these existed!

by FER

15 years, 7 months ago

No wonder. The Author it is necessary was escape from eye of the creators, exactly so author of the books has taken the American name. But some books were with warning about copyrights, but without instruction authors themselves:-).
P.S: You understand although word from that that I write?

by Nix

15 years, 7 months ago

I can just about understand that.