by drugasbuster

23 years ago

Ok boys, help me out, I`m new at this props thing, the olny thing i`ve made is to paint a little my old proton pack toy and add some wiring and buttons…nothing, so, I want to start from an easy prop, a PKE meter, does anybody can showme some plans or instructions and materials?


by sg1star

23 years ago

if your going for the movie pke it is far from the easyest prop to do, i would say the easyest if the trap,

by Ectoman

23 years ago

I agree.

by drugasbuster

23 years ago

ok, thanks a lot for the advice, I`ll keep that in mind after I finish the edition of my “toy” trap, i was painting it an adding some cool stuff, but I guess a prop trap would be a lot better.

by ecto-3

23 years ago

Whats a good method for building the PKE meters body without buying the Iona Shoe polisher? AJ i know you can help on this one. smile

by drugasbuster

23 years ago

shoe polisher huh?, never thaught of that….very good idea, thanks man

by ecto-3

23 years ago


That is actually what the PKE meter was made out of, a Iona Shoe Polisher. Really neat and from what I've heard easy to build but I'm sticking to my proton pack for now smile