PKE Trails -- recruiting

by WolfenMoondaughter

21 years, 2 months ago

I have started a webring for GB-related fanlistings. There are still a lot of topics left to make a list for, so if any of you are looking for a topic to make a site on, or for something new to add to your already existing site, take a gander! (And if you're scratching your head over what a fanlisting is, check out

I made the PKE Meter myself, hope y'all like it See the “Openings” page for the list of possible site topics.

(Fritz, I still think you should run an Egon/Janine list ^_~ And Zack should do one for the music, PeterVenkmanFan should do one for Peter, a couple of the many propmakers should do lists for PKE Meters and Proton Packs, and Chad-the-all-powerful should do one for the franchise as a whole! … Unless of course, none of you are obsessed with fanlists, like I am :-) )

PS, I'm also looking recruiting members for the lists I run for XGB, “Ed&Ky”, and Jason Marsden (Garrett), all of which are a part of PKE Trails …