Plans to save energy or make energy

by mdp872105

16 years, 9 months ago

We been having some great discussions under the Gas poll about what has been done and what needs to be done about the energy crisis in America and in the world. Now please don't take offense about me putting America separate I just know that we have been behind the curve compared to many other countries and that with our geographical lay out one solution will not be a universal solution for America. Now that I have explain that let me continue.

I have seen many of the fans on the board create some amazing things. Replica proton packs made of card board, remote control ecto 1s just to name a few. Now I'm curious about what we can do about the energy problem. So I suggest that we us this thread discuss different energy saving and or energy making technologies that we can do.

So I'll start off with what I have found. Its called a hho system and what it is system that puts a little hydrogen into the engine in order for it to combust cleaner and more efficiently. Its a very simple system for older vehicles but for new vehicle you have to make or buy a device that will trick your o2 sensor into thinking every things the same. When done correctly the system post to give you up to 50% better fuel mileage. If you are interested in this go to youtube and look up water car. Also I will up load a PDF file about it later. This will cost you any where from a couple of bucks to a couple of hundred dollars depending on how complicated you make the system.

by ajquick1

16 years, 9 months ago

The hydrogen injection idea is pretty interesting.

Mainly what it does is allow you to starve your engine of gas. Allowing you to run leaner and use less gas. You basically suppliment less gas with hydrogen gas. I don't know if I would try it..

The whole car running on water thing is never gonna happen. Unless ofcourse people do some crazy combination of electrically powered car and use eletrolysis to break down the water, and then burn it.. but in the end.. a purely electric vehicle would be much more effecient.

BMW actually has a concept called “TurboSteamer” that uses the heat created by the engine to generate steam and then that steam is used by a small steam engine that runs on the engine's belts to increase engine power and fuel enconomy. (its basically a turbo charger that uses heat instead of pressure).

by mdp872105

16 years, 9 months ago


I have heard of some people actual making hydrogen cars that run off the gas but like you said it would take some serious engineering and I haven't seen one personally. I think it is possible because they got vehicles that run on propane and some that run off methane in fact land fields are working on making the methane that is produced by the waste to be used by there fleet of dump trucks to make them selfs more green and self sufficient.

And as far as the steam car goes I have heard of this before and actually jay Leno has a steam car in his collection that actually can get up to 100 mph.

by ajquick1

16 years, 9 months ago

Steam power is awesome.

I know a lot of Government vehicles in DC run on propane or possibly the mainstream E-85.

Propane and Methane are both by products. You could power a vehicle with human poo (methane) if you have enough of it.

Propane is a favorite of mine.. but it is a byproduct of Gasoline. It will increase in price the same way gas is.. and when gas is gone, so will propane. (I don't think gasoline will ever be gone.. we will just need different ways to create it).

Ethenol is pretty cool. I'm thinking about filling my tank up with half 87 octane, and half e-85. Should provide a nice high octane coctail of fuel, and will run okay in my car.

by mdp872105

16 years, 9 months ago

amen I always wondered why there isn't a big push for people to converter there septic tanks in to power generators I mean a little alterations and you could have a health supply of methane gas right in your back yard.

by missygirl8520001

16 years, 9 months ago

Yeah I also agree with that. Things like this takes time.

by newrecruit1

16 years, 9 months ago

What I want is a vehicle built on a electric/solar engine. It already exist, but the governement will do nothing yet to change things because they want all the money they can make from fuel.