Playstation Home Playground Space

by ToastDuster

14 years, 8 months ago

For any PS3 owners who've not dropped in yet, there's a firehouse that looks a heck of a lot like the Ghostbusters one, in the space corner, by the dancing area. Given that the space is 80's New York inspired, I can't help but think it was deliberate. Would've been nice if they could have designed it somehow so that those of us with the GB Firehouse personal spce could have used it as a dorr in-out to it.

How do I upload pics from my HDD to this? I can't find how.

by shaunryan825

14 years, 2 months ago

someone posted a video of this place and gave a tour he was dressed as staypuff without the tie you can control slimer in it and edit it and you must buy it you can get in the ecto and do certain thing but you can`t drive it