PlayStation Magazine July 2009 Interview

by Swift_Justice

15 years, 9 months ago

I just got my issue today. There's a 4 page spread featuring an interview with Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis. It features their involvement with the game, which has been covered in other interviews and a few more tidbits.

It looks like Qore codes won't be made available in future issues so the episode featuring the game won't be free to subscribers.

And it has a nice peel off cover ad featuring the game on the front of the magazine. The real cover is underneath with God of War III on it.

by SolidusR4S

15 years, 9 months ago

cool do u have pics

by Swift_Justice

15 years, 9 months ago

I tried scanning the cover and it turned into a pixelated mess, then my scanning program crashed. Hopefully somebody else will end up with the issue and can get images out. I get to figure out what's going on with the program. Yippee!

by Swift_Justice

15 years, 9 months ago

Since I'm having scanner issues, I'll post some notes.

- Their involvement with Terminal Reality. Coming in on the project, saying the studio did a great job and all they did was help give it the tone of the first movie.

- Able to explore old ideas that couldn't be done in the movies like blowing up buildings, the island rising out of the Hudson river, the boat sequence and more.

- Not sure if the sequence of the Ghostbusters fighting on one of the Macy's Day parade balloons was cut or not for the game.

- Both like their digital looks, for the game and the new toys.

- Appeal of the script to long-time fans. What made the cut and didn't. Offering enough different things that didn't retread the movies.

- Opinions on what the fan would like the most, being part of the team.

- Voice recording locations of the four. Ramis in Chicago, Aykroyd in New York, Murray in an unknown location, most likely Arizona and North Carolina, Hudson in California.

- Details on the new movie, pretty much what we already know, like the script writers, younger busters, originals as mentors. Aykroyd, Ramis and Reitman are consulting on the script.

- They believe the new game help remind the studio (Columbia) that the audience interest has always been there and want to continue involvement with the franchise.

- Fondest memories for Aykroyd was running down the street with a smoking trap and being impressed with the rooftop set from the first movie.

- Aykroyd's belief in the paranormal and Ramis still is the skeptic when it comes to that stuff.