Please can someone answer this question once and for all...

by liquidvishn

22 years ago

I'm a little worried about something that Sinister said earlier;

“a) The real life, £30 an apearence deal, where you pay NOTHING to GBI”

Just to make this clear, you cannot charge ANYONE for a an appearance at any time, as the rights to Ghostbusters are owned by the movie company. If you charge for financial renumeration for an appearance as a Ghostbuster you are in infringing on copyright laws. So that simple £30 appearance charge could cost you a hefty fine and criminal prosecution if ANYTHING ever got back to ANYONE in connection with Ghostbusters.

I apologize to Louis and GBI if I am out of line (seeing that I am not a franchise owner…. yet).

by Shadow_weaveR

22 years ago

What I want to know is what is louis's alter ego?

by SpecterHarness

22 years ago

He might be a 13 year old girl whose spends free time talking to people who really think ghostbusters are real and taking money from them to let them run around in Dickies and carboard backpacks. LOL

Just messin Louis! Don't jack up ETGB fees.

by Shadow_weaveR

22 years ago

I also meant his other GBN name… he could be anyone even me.

by Sinister

22 years ago

Just to make this clear, you cannot charge ANYONE for a an appearance at any time, as the rights to Ghostbusters are owned by the movie company. If you charge for financial renumeration for an appearance as a Ghostbuster you are in infringing on copyright laws. So that simple £30 appearance charge could cost you a hefty fine and criminal prosecution if ANYTHING ever got back to ANYONE in connection with Ghostbusters.”

Again, major confusion… I thought part of the rights to becoming a GBI franchise allowed you to make apearences such as parties, and special occasions… Kinda like gorilla grams etc… Im realising I have a real lack of knowledge on this subject…

by Dr.Roberts

22 years ago

This is totally out of character here…


Not working parties, not going to conventions, not going on “busts” PERIOD.

Hope that clears it all up for you guys. I will now resume the role of Dr. Roberts…


22 years ago

I shall attempt to explain:

In Real life(IRL): You cannot make any money by doing anythign with your franchise. It is copyright infringement.

Online however you pretend that GBI is a real organization in which Mr.Tully manages. You pretend you make money, you pretend you pay fees, ect.

GBI isn't a real company, you pay no fees, you can't legally make any money.

Its alot like Online Role Play, mixed with acting IRL.

by DocRyedale

22 years ago

If this is just role play like what JESUSFREAK said, then do you really have to show/give copies those official documentions to your local government or whatever it said on some other Franchise website? Does your local government even have to know about your franchise?


22 years ago

The Fracnhise is a club. A Club. A Club where people dress up in suits and run around. No Government forms.

by DocRyedale

22 years ago

*Breaks into laughter* Whew! That's a relief, because, ya know, I was scared to death there for a second. I thought that if I ever opened a Franchise, I'd have to go the Mayor or the Governor, and get laughed out of the room by them. Of course there's nothing funny about opening a Franchise to me. It may be a comedy to some, but to me, it's DEAD serious…