21 years, 7 months ago

Don't be fooled by the title of this post…I LOVE Ghostbusters and always have…BUT, can you imagine how awful GB3 would be if they made it today? Just look at all the crap that it being produced in hollywood:Star Wars Episode 1-3, The Matrix/Matrix Reloaded, T3(and I LOVE the terminator saga)…if you have taken any notice of the films being made in the past 5-8 years, they all have become heavily CGI-reliant, very fast paced, and how many many films have you seen lately that doesn't star some talentless pretty face from the music industry or wannabe badboy(Vin Diesel, who has played pretty much the same character in EVERY film he makes…“the ex-prisoner who cut a deal with the feds…” you get the point) . Movies from the 80's had INTERESTING ACTORS, who could play the parts well and had CHARACTER, not to mention, talent. How many of them looked good? Hardly any, cause it didnt matter back then…there were good stories, innovative and creative ways to tell the story, and all the effects were created by guys and girls who had to be creative, not by some guy at his computer creating a program to make all the effects for him. Now don't get me wrong, I love computers too, I'm a MAC guy, but I also know when the line should be drawn. So many effects today use CGI to accomplish what could have been easily done right there on the set. How many of you can actually say that Star Wars:Episode 1 and 2 were good films, and that the effects were really amazing? Not many, I bet…the whole film looked like a bad video game..nothing seemed real. Lucas should be banned from the film industry for destroying one of the greatest movie saga's of all time, and I thank god he is not involved in the making of Indiana Jones 4.

Anyway, to get back to my origianl point…I would rather not see GB3 made and have the two original classic films to carry on the name then see a horrible third film ruin it's reputation with pretty-faced bad actors and crappy CGI ghosts and effects.

by GmoneyOwnsAll

21 years, 7 months ago

Umm, no. Think about it. ‘Ghostbusters’ is Dan Akroyd's baby. Do you really think he would let us down and let Hollywood make a crappy sequel?! If you think so, then you are sadly mistaken. If GB3 is to ever be released, it will be good. Not as good as the first two of course but it would still be enjoyable because simply put, Dan would make sure of it.


21 years, 7 months ago

Yes, BUT…just because it may be Dan's baby won't mean he'll be directing it. The director usually has the final say in what stays and what goes in a film. Only if Ivan Reitman were to direct the third installment, which I highly doubt, would Aykroyd have any say. Unfortunately, the writer of a film gives up any and all artistic rights when he signs the script over to the studio. I agree Dan Aykroyd has a certain amount of “pull” in hollywood, but would it be enough to take total control of the film? I would't get my hopes up. On any note, I don't think GB3 will ever be a reality so it's really not worth arguing about anyway.

by GmoneyOwnsAll

21 years, 7 months ago

Ivan said back when it was a possibility that he would direct. So if a GB3 gets greenlit, Im sure he would return.

by wesyeed1

21 years, 7 months ago

I had a blast at Star Wars episodes 1 and 2, Matrix Reloaded, and T3. Your opinion, calling them all crap (/shit/trash/game played with two dice)makes no sense to me. But anyway, if a third movie was done, I'm sure it would be treated very well by Hollywood, the land of rewrites. You'll go to movies, buy some over-priced popcorn or candy and have more fun than you'd ever have hoped for. I'm not looking for any sort of “instant classic type stuff” frankly because I have absolutely no idea what makes a movie an instant classic or brilliant work etc beyond the fact that your either entertained for 1, 2 or 3 hours or not. Maybe I should take a film course and find out one day.

Well anyway, I'm positive Murray or Ivan or Dan will say “What the hell, lets make another one. Drinks for everybody.”

Or how about an Evolution 2. That might be fun.

No it wouldn't. I was just kidding.

Thanks for reading all this stuff. Bye.

by Kingpin

21 years, 7 months ago

I personally loved the Matrix, and Reloaded, sure CGI is used widely these days, and it's taken some of the skill out of movie making, but it had to happen some day. Besides, not all CGI is bad, there wouldn't be any Spider-Man, Hulk or even any new Star Wars without it (or at least heavily under-done). So don't go shooting your mouth off that CGI is evil, it accomplishes some stuff that's too impossible for either models, or cameras to catch.

by d_osborn

21 years, 7 months ago

Ivan said back when it was a possibility that he would direct. So if a GB3 gets greenlit, Im sure he would return.

actually, ivan was to produce, and HAROLD was to direct. if you haven't noticed, ramis isn't too big on using CGI in his films. did you see deniro swinging all over NYC from organic spiderweb shooting from his wrists? nope…. sure, the film WOULD have some amazing effects, but it would be more comedy, i'm sure….

… and i LOVED the matrix films, X-MEN & X2 were great, there have been several good CGI laden films…. though there have also been several bad ones, too. there have ALWAYS been, and will always be, bad movies.

by GmoneyOwnsAll

21 years, 7 months ago

Ivan said back when it was a possibility that he would direct. So if a GB3 gets greenlit, Im sure he would return.

actually, ivan was to produce, and HAROLD was to direct. if you haven't noticed, ramis isn't too big on using CGI in his films. did you see deniro swinging all over NYC from organic spiderweb shooting from his wrists? nope…. sure, the film WOULD have some amazing effects, but it would be more comedy, i'm sure….

… and i LOVED the matrix films, X-MEN & X2 were great, there have been several good CGI laden films…. though there have also been several bad ones, too. there have ALWAYS been, and will always be, bad movies.

Harold directing?! That's even better!

by OddTodd

21 years, 7 months ago

Yeah, Harold Ramis is a VERY good director.

by spookbuster1

21 years, 7 months ago

Well I guess both things could happen, if the original cast and team is involved in some way it'll probably stay true to Ghostbusters, if not, I think GB3 might not be as good as the other two, but it could still be good, hope for the best man.