by peterbo1

21 years, 7 months ago

If Dan and Harold are involved in writing the script, it will be gr8.

by GmoneyOwnsAll

21 years, 7 months ago

If Dan and Harold are involved in writing the script, it will be gr8.

What he said, plus Harold would definatly be directing if Ivan wouldnt agree. He already said so. So people, please stop jumping to conclusions. The movie doesnt even exist and you're already judging it. Do you know how ignorant it makes you sound?

by GmoneyOwnsAll

21 years, 7 months ago

Don't worry, they're not making it!


Anything can happen dude. Stop being stubborn. Idiana Jones 4, T3 and Batman 5 were all movies that no one thought would ever be made. But look what happened. And B5 is almost a go.

by drvenkman3

21 years, 7 months ago

If i may be so bold as to quote something for this situation, its from the epic tale, “Death to Smoochy”, but in Aykroyds view talking to Sony pictures, “Ghostbusters is my baby, i birthed him, and damnit, i should be the one who raises him!!”


by GmoneyOwnsAll

21 years, 7 months ago

Dr. Venkman
If i may be so bold as to quote something for this situation, its from the epic tale, “Death to Smoochy”, but in Aykroyds view talking to Sony pictures, “Ghostbusters is my baby, i birthed him, and damnit, i should be the one who raises him!!”


So true, all these unbelievers or “fans” that simply dont want it arent really helping the situation at all. But us believers and fans that do want it, out number them. Im starting to think all those people keep jynxing it. I think if you dont want a GB3, dont come in this forumn cause we do!!!! Stop ruining it for us. We arent gonna change our minds to satisfy yours. “PLEASE DONT MAKE GB3!!”, that's just sad. First off, you dont have to worry, it's dead in the water right now. Secondly, SHUTUP! Most of us want it and people like you are only making the situation worse for us. Stop with this nonsense!

by lordvego1

21 years, 7 months ago

i wanna see GB3 personally

by rentongb1

21 years, 7 months ago

I don't think you should critizize Star Wars III yet. I mean, it hasn't even come out yet. Who knows it COULD be good, yet again it could be awful just like Attack of the bad movie! Ha Ha yeah ,take that George Lucas! That movie stunk more than Bantha Poodoo! Good lightsaber fight though, Yoda kicks ass! Sorry, got a little off topic there.

by EgonsBabe

21 years, 7 months ago

OddTodd wrote:“Yes, Harold is a VERY good director”

I agree man, 100%. I loved the film's he's directed, including Groundhog Day and Bedazzled.

by drvenkman3

21 years, 7 months ago

Whoever thinks GBIII shouldnt be made s under the influence of either drugs, drugs, or drugs. The only reason you would think GBIII shouldnt be made if you were extremely baked ::cough::REALMAGIK::cough:: oh sorry, had a little moron stuck in my throat, its out though, forgotten and behind me.


21 years, 7 months ago

Obviously, most of you kids(and I assume you are kids because of your taste in films-Matrix,T3, Star Wars episode1+2, only maybe I can't actually blame you because you were brought up with that crap and don't realize what a good film actaully is) completely misunderstood the point I was trying to make. I would LOVE to see Ghostbusters 3, IF it was done right…but somehow I get the feeling that hollywood will intervene and destroy what is left of a great legacy. Maybe it's because I grew up in the eighties, the age of great films, not to mention cartoons and toys…have you seen the junk they put on tv for kids nowadays? What ever happened to great cartoons like The Real Ghostbusters, Transformers, Thundercats, Gummi Bears, M.A.S.K., G.I. Joe, etc.? I feel sorry for the kids of today cause they are losing out on so much of what it is actually like to be a kid and have an imagination. Most kids today want to grow up so fast and only care about looking good and being cool…thats not any fun. I remember my friends and I sneaking the newest transformers into class in middle school…today kids in middle school sneak in drugs and weapons.

Anyway, just because technology is so much more advanced doesn't mean it makes for a better movie, there still is a thing called a STORY, and a TALENTED ACTOR/ACTRESS. So before any of you little punkass bitches criticize me, take a look at what you are defending before you open you underdeveloped mouths. Oh, and get my company name right VENKMAN…it's REELMAGIK.