Obviously, most of you kids(and I assume you are kids because of your taste in films-Matrix,T3, Star Wars episode1+2, only maybe I can't actually blame you because you were brought up with that crap and don't realize what a good film actaully is) completely misunderstood the point I was trying to make. I would LOVE to see Ghostbusters 3, IF it was done right…but somehow I get the feeling that hollywood will intervene and destroy what is left of a great legacy. Maybe it's because I grew up in the eighties, the age of great films, not to mention cartoons and toys…have you seen the junk they put on tv for kids nowadays? What ever happened to great cartoons like The Real Ghostbusters, Transformers, Thundercats, Gummi Bears, M.A.S.K., G.I. Joe, etc.? I feel sorry for the kids of today cause they are losing out on so much of what it is actually like to be a kid and have an imagination. Most kids today want to grow up so fast and only care about looking good and being cool…thats not any fun. I remember my friends and I sneaking the newest transformers into class in middle school…today kids in middle school sneak in drugs and weapons.
Anyway, just because technology is so much more advanced doesn't mean it makes for a better movie, there still is a thing called a STORY, and a TALENTED ACTOR/ACTRESS. So before any of you little punkass bitches criticize me, take a look at what you are defending before you open you underdeveloped mouths. Oh, and get my company name right VENKMAN…it's REELMAGIK.