by drvenkman3

21 years, 7 months ago

I WAS brought up in the 80s, TMNT is still my all time favorite cartoon, Three Amigos, circa early 80s is still me favorite movie, next to Rhustlers Rhapsody and Airplane, same era, dont pin your stupidity on us cause you think you have a point. And yes, Matrix 1 and 2 kicked ASS!! Transformers Forever!! They are still around my young apprentice, its called cartoon network…and no…sadly not all the hits are on it, but most are, Gi Joe, Speed Racer, Transoformers original, for a while, its off now, Thundercats, and many others. So stop calling us kids when most of us arnt. REELMAGIK is a company, damn, never heard of it, oh well, probably a nothng, and what the hell do you think this forum is discussing……3 posts, look around before opening your PUNK ASS MOUTH……we discuss, actors and stories and technology and what might be good for it and what might kill it…look around first….okay Real Magic? :-) :-) :-)

by wesyeed1

21 years, 7 months ago

That's it? You just want them to put greater emphasis on story than on how many new amazing fantastic vfx and sfx they can stuff into it. I see where you're coming from.

Ok. No problem. That could happen. Have a little optimism. (^_^)

And don't call anyone here a punk ass bitch. You're not a moron, that guy is. Respect each other's POV's. Damn. Space Ace.

by EgonsBabe

21 years, 7 months ago

The Three Amigos? I remember them! All for one, and one for all!! Oh sorry, that's the Three Musketeers. I ALWAYS get those two mixed up. :-) :-) :-) TeeHee!

Did the 3 Amigos have a saying?

by PrincessArtemis

21 years, 7 months ago

The Three Amigos had a dance, as I recall, and a saying.

Anyway…um…semi-on-topic, I think the late 20's people about aren't exactly kids just because we liked The Matrix If GBIII is ever made, FX wouldn't kill it. Current FX can be masterful, and not all is CGI. Still, since I would prefer the original GBs, and they are getting old in years, I don't know that GBIII would work. It's not GBs if there aren't…y'know…GBs in it…

by RealGhstbstr

21 years, 7 months ago

I wan't to see a GB3

by drvenkman3

21 years, 7 months ago

Wherever there is injustice, we'll be there, wherever there is suffering, we'll be there, wherever the innocent suffer, youll find, THE THREE AMIGOS!

::Then the turn your head and cough thing::

Somethign along those lines, dont know the actual quote.


by NileQT87-Solo_Blues

21 years, 5 months ago

“Ghostbusters is my baby, i birthed him, and damnit, i should be the one who raises him!!”

by jag88

21 years, 5 months ago

didnt Ivan Reitman direct “Evolution” . and didnt that project start out as an attempt at Ghostbusters III , I could be way off , but I thought I heard something like that . If it is true than I have to say that movie was horrible , I almost walked out on it. I have to agree with some of you , that if a sequel movie is made poorly it can tainte the entire series (ie. Starwars I, II,) . Even the special editions of Starwars 4,5,6 turn my stomach. CGI Technology moved to fast , and I dont think the directors have established a balance with it. Back in the 80's it was really dificult to do a special effect shot so you really had to think about its relevance to the movie. Now directors just do whatever and rely on complex scenery to tell a story. Acting and dialog is taking a back seat. So says I anyway

by M.Bison

21 years, 5 months ago

If Dan and Harold are involved in writing the script, it will be gr8.

HERE HERE!!!! Amen Brother!!! Matrix RUUUUUUULES!!!

by texasgb1

21 years, 5 months ago

Evolution was never really a trial for ghostbusters 3. If they wanted to do GB3 they would have just gone on and done it. They had Dan's GB3 script. I think that the only thing stopping this project continues to be Bill Murray. Its sad because it would have been a great time to do it around 2000. The guys are just getting older and the chance of them playing even supporting roles is shrinking every year. If it were made soon they could definately get some good screen time and play a large role behing the scenes. Dan would write it and I imagine Harold would help write and direct.