I WAS brought up in the 80s, TMNT is still my all time favorite cartoon, Three Amigos, circa early 80s is still me favorite movie, next to Rhustlers Rhapsody and Airplane, same era, dont pin your stupidity on us cause you think you have a point. And yes, Matrix 1 and 2 kicked ASS!! Transformers Forever!! They are still around my young apprentice, its called cartoon network…and no…sadly not all the hits are on it, but most are, Gi Joe, Speed Racer, Transoformers original, for a while, its off now, Thundercats, and many others. So stop calling us kids when most of us arnt. REELMAGIK is a company, damn, never heard of it, oh well, probably a nothng, and what the hell do you think this forum is discussing……3 posts, look around before opening your PUNK ASS MOUTH……we discuss, actors and stories and technology and what might be good for it and what might kill it…look around first….okay Real Magic? :-) :-) :-)