by d_osborn

21 years, 5 months ago

aykroyd said in a few interviews that murray agreed to do GB3. EVOLUTION actually started out as sort of a horror/sci-fi movie, then once reitman got a hold of it, it turned into sci-fi/comedy.

by texasgb1

21 years, 5 months ago

From what I understand Murray agreed but then backed down once sony was willing to do the project. So both parties adventually agreed just not at the exact same time.

by d_osborn

21 years, 5 months ago

murray agreed before dan finished his first draft, which is also when sony was wanting to do it. it wasn't until the second draft was completed that sony deemed it “too expensive”, and dumped the project.

by texasgb1

21 years, 5 months ago

I agree that Murray wanted to do it early on or stated he would work on it for a few days however, I am not so sure that sony bought the idea untill it was too late. I think that when sony finally came around Bill blocked it. If you read the latest quotes from Dan he states “the problems with the guys” and later goes on to state Bill prevented it from being made beacause he controlls some of the rights to ghostbusters.


21 years, 2 months ago

dont care what any one says i wana see GB3

by VolguusZildrohar

21 years, 1 month ago

I was actually going to post my own “I don't want Ghostbuster III” rant, but then I saw this thread. There are many reasons why I don't want a GBIII, but really, it comes down to two things: 1) Ghostbusters II was mediocre at best and 2) Generally, “The Next Generation”-type movies are awful. Actually, I think I'm more concerned with the second reason than I am of the first. In fact, I can't think of a single good “next generation” movie.

Dr. Venkman
If i may be so bold as to quote something for this situation, its from the epic tale, “Death to Smoochy”, but in Aykroyds view talking to Sony pictures, “Ghostbusters is my baby, i birthed him, and damnit, i should be the one who raises him!!”


So true, all these unbelievers or “fans” that simply dont want it arent really helping the situation at all. But us believers and fans that do want it, out number them. Im starting to think all those people keep jynxing it. I think if you dont want a GB3, dont come in this forumn cause we do!!!! Stop ruining it for us. We arent gonna change our minds to satisfy yours. “PLEASE DONT MAKE GB3!!”, that's just sad. First off, you dont have to worry, it's dead in the water right now. Secondly, SHUTUP! Most of us want it and people like you are only making the situation worse for us. Stop with this nonsense!

This is the kind of attitude that really annoys me. It isn't exclusive to Ghostbusters either, it's fans in general. The fans think that you have to love every single thing in the franchise in order to be a “real” fan. I consider myself a Ghostbusters fan, and I'll be honost: I hated Extreme Ghostbusters. I also think that a third Ghostbusters movie is a really stupid idea. I think a real fan wouldn't embrace everything in the franchise just because it's there.

Look at the Batman fans: they still consider themselves fans of Batman, yet I'm sure that the majority hated Batman & Robin. I'm sure that Alien fans still consider themselves to be fans even though most admit that Alien Resurrection was a pretty poor movie.

Hypothecially, if Ghostbusters III turned out as bad as Blues Brothers 2000 or Batman & Robin, would you still want it?

by DocRyedale

21 years, 1 month ago

by d_osborn

21 years, 1 month ago

aykroyd alone is not to blame for the recycled GB2. keep in mind that he wrote a completely different script which MIGHT have possibly made a cool sequel had it been developed. it was ramis and reitman that wanted to keep the GBs in NYC, and through the wonderful process of script development, we ended up with a sequel a little too similar to the original.

by CrazyAl

21 years, 1 month ago

Only those who believe in their dreams have the power to change the world. Amen!

You skeptics better start believing, or else I'll (respectfully) introduce you to the magical world of Proctology and the insides of your digestive system. Now, who's with me? Do you see the Light? DO YOU SEE THE LIGHT???

by Kingpin

21 years, 1 month ago

Crazy Al
Only those who believe in their dreams have the power to change the world. Amen!

You skeptics better start believing, or else I'll (respectfully) introduce you to the magical world of Proctology and the insides of your digestive system. Now, who's with me? Do you see the Light? DO YOU SEE THE LIGHT???

Um… NO