by strzelec2112

19 years, 7 months ago

!! I`m sorry for bad English . I`m from Poland !!!

I don`t wanna wait a decade I think the ghostbusters III can`t be a bad proposition for new movie. Ghostbusters III is a good idea !!! I don`t wanna new parts of Batman or James Bond !! I wanna new part of Ghostbusters !!! We`re need a good man on a good place who`s like this movie !!! This is posibble to do !! If somebody who want to do Ghostbusters III like this movie then this is must be a movie hit !!

I think somebody producer will be interest of this movie !!
I hope !!

Ghostbusters is a good idea for invested some money !!

by Peter_Randall

19 years, 7 months ago

Do you speak German? Hmm…anyway, main problem with ever having a third Ghostbusters film is that Bill Murray owns some of the rights, so they can't make a film without his permission. And Bill Murray is pretty much dead against Ghostbusters 3 ever being made, so the chances are wel'' never see it. The same goes for remakes of the film. So don't hold your breath.

Nice to have a Pole on the board, I have some Polish friends, it's somewhere I want to go to in the future. I nearly got there when I was in Germany last, but I'd want to go to one of the proper bits of Poland, rather than just across the border. Maybe Warsaw or Krakow.

by Geminifoxx

19 years, 5 months ago

Two words…

Dane Cook.

by ecto_plasmic1

19 years, 5 months ago

well my only suggestion on GB3 would be the story taken somewhere else instead of NYC. You would have the GB buisness expanding throughout the world, and the always the same Huge monument or figure walking to destroy the GBs/ or helping them. The cast would be a brand new cast, maybe some Cameos as in Phone calls or visits by the Originals. But then Sony might be an ass and don't really care about what the fans think (basicaly the entire world.. well not exactly but very close to it.). All Sony wants is $$$ and new things to come.

by MasterSpider

19 years, 5 months ago

Two words…

Dane Cook.

The rest of the cast better be freakin' amazing then…

by Peter_Randall

19 years, 5 months ago

For the most part, you should refrain from reviving dead threads. This would be one of those pretty dead threads.

Is this just getting ignored?