please help wanted all 140 episodes of real gb

by toontownltd

21 years, 2 months ago

hi dose any one know wjere we could posible get good quality copies of all 140 episodes of the real gb been looking for years the ones that were not aired on fox family and the ones that have not been redubed with the 2nd season janine and peter please email us and let us know thanks have lots of toon to trade

by Kingpin

21 years, 2 months ago

I direct you to this topic:

I hope that answers most of your question.

by MasterSpider

21 years, 2 months ago

E-Mail that guy VENGER from the old board.

He claims to have all 140 episodes available for sale, but with the scam I just almost fell into and the fact that this guy can't spell “would” the right way makes it very iffy.

I also remember him e-mailing me and asking some ridiculous crap like 150 bucks for tapes of them all, so I told him no.

It's your call, champ…

by Stoofuss

21 years, 2 months ago

Eah, just go to it's got every episode on an 8 DVD set and a bunch of other 80s cartoons on DVD too (complete.)