Please stop stealing my ideas.

by brianreilly

21 years, 5 months ago

First with the “Community” chatroom, now with the scrolling news bar. Please folks, visit for the real deal. I have been trying to create an original, innovative, community-oriented Ghostbusters website, and GBCentral has been ripping me off at every turn.

by texasgb1

21 years, 5 months ago

The chat was at gbn, long before your site. Chad just updated it man.

by brianreilly

21 years, 5 months ago

He changed the name to “The Ghostbusters Community Chat”, the EXACT same name as the one I started months ago. In addition, he is marketing it as a community chat, which it is not. My chat is a real community based chat that any user can add to their website. In addition, it allows them to register a username, or just use a guest name (which can be any unregistered name). Chad had the audacity to suggest that I switch over to the chat that he added to this board. However, if I were to do that, then of course, Chad would rule the chatroom on every Ghostbusters website that uses it. Does that sound like a “Community” chat to you? No thank, I'll stick with a standardized IRC Chat that gives, EVERYONE a fair share.

This website is not the Ghostbusters Community, but Chad markets it that way.

There are more ideas that have been stolen that I do not wish to get into, but frankly, I have asked politely for Chad to stop, on more than one occasion. It is quite clear that he will never be satisfied until the entire community is centralized at this website.

Go ahead Chad. Do something original. I dare you.

Guess what Chad? I can steal ideas too. IF that's the way you want to play, so be it.

by DocRyedale

21 years, 5 months ago

by brianreilly

21 years, 5 months ago

I wouldn't be surprised. But hey, Check out GBComm's new look! (*_*) (If you've been there recently, you might need to refresh a few times for your browser to update it)

by boholbrook1

21 years, 5 months ago

Jesus Christ Texas, You're so far up Chad's Ass I can't tell where you end and he begins. Do you even have any form of independent thought? If you have to ask Chad about that then no, you don't. Brian wasn't just talking about the chatroom you idiot. Which you chose to single out like the moron you are. He was referring to the fact that Chad stole his banner exchange idea AND BLATANTLY stole Brian's news ticker thing.

by brianreilly

21 years, 5 months ago

Bo Holbrook
Chad stole his banner exchange idea

Yeah…that's a bitch. One of the things people have known I'd been having troubling getting up and running. The only good side to Chad swiping the idea was that I could swipe his code back.

by Chad

21 years, 5 months ago

I did not steal any of your ideas. I had the banner exchange idea over a year ago and Zack posted the idea on GBN. We can call it exhibit A.

The chat was first called “Ghostbusters Community Chat” around 1997, and later at GB Central and Exhibit B.

This post is nothing but an attempt to bring people to your website. I would really appreciate it if you spoke the truth as I have absolutely no intentions or reasons to steal your ideas.

by boholbrook1

21 years, 5 months ago

Notice how he conveniently DOESN'T talk about the news ticker. Which he BLATANTLY stole.

by Chad

21 years, 5 months ago

Bo Holbrook
Notice how he conveniently DOESN'T talk about the news ticker. Which he BLATANTLY stole.

I did not steal the news ticker. As many of you may remember I had a newsticker on both the OLD OLD GB Central and Ghostbusters Central, once I obtained a domain ( for it.

I don't feel like i have to answer to someone with claims as outrageous as this. I talked to SoulWrangler about having links to news on the main forum page over a month ago and I honestly have never been to his website until today.

Furthermore, the Ads I created for the GBC Ad Server now seem to be on GB Comm. I made the Stay Puft World O' Sounds banner among a few others. I don't care, you can keep them there because they benefit the community.