He changed the name to “The Ghostbusters Community Chat”, the EXACT same name as the one I started months ago. In addition, he is marketing it as a community chat, which it is not. My chat is a real community based chat that any user can add to their website. In addition, it allows them to register a username, or just use a guest name (which can be any unregistered name). Chad had the audacity to suggest that I switch over to the chat that he added to this board. However, if I were to do that, then of course, Chad would rule the chatroom on every Ghostbusters website that uses it. Does that sound like a “Community” chat to you? No thank, I'll stick with a standardized IRC Chat that gives, EVERYONE a fair share.
This website is not the Ghostbusters Community, but Chad markets it that way.
There are more ideas that have been stolen that I do not wish to get into, but frankly, I have asked politely for Chad to stop, on more than one occasion. It is quite clear that he will never be satisfied until the entire community is centralized at this website.
Go ahead Chad. Do something original. I dare you.
Guess what Chad? I can steal ideas too. IF that's the way you want to play, so be it.