Pointless Conjecture: Ideas for an RGB game?

by JoshuAD

15 years, 10 months ago

I was thinking…since the franchise is getting reinvented and such…that a RGB game wouldn't be that off base. The cartoony nature of the Wii/Ps2 versions lends to this as well. Since its a cartoon, it doesn't have to be as high res/cinematic, and the voice talent would be a lot cheaper. I mean, what the hell is Dave Coulier up to these days anyway?

However, what I'd rather discuss is the game mechanics. GB:TVG has an established A -> B storyline. I think an RGB would be a lot more fun if it were open ended. Like a squashed GTA mechanic, where you bop around the city answering calls. Each one would clearly be a RGB reference, and would involve more of a chase aspect. You get called to check out something, and it flees, leading you on a mad dash across the city. Each ghost would require a different method to beat it, something you had to figure out. Then through each mission you pick up clues to a larger ‘end of the world’ type mission. It sounds expansive, but I honestly think it'd be an easier mountain to climb than creating a cinematic GB game - which has essentially been proven to be possible.

Characters - all the classics, but you create your own to be implemented into the rest of the cast.

Weapons - I think it should stay rooted in the Proton Pack, with more emphasis put on strategy than ‘different weapons for different ghosts’.

Vehicles - both Ecto 1 and Ecto 2 could be available.

Ghosts - The Grundel, Sandman, Boogie Man, Killerwatt, Murray the Mantis, headless motorcyclist, Evil Egon, People Busters, Ghostmaster, Stay Puft, and perhaps the boss could be Sam Hain taking over the city.

Just a thought.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 10 months ago

Not a bad idea overall… I like the idea of a free roaming environment, and it could work well in an RGB style game.

by Kingpin

15 years, 10 months ago

I think a middle ground between GB:TVG and the aforementioned Grand Theft Auto would be a good start… but the story would have to be stronger than the one I've gotten from the GTA games… so that you don't just go wondering off blasting spooks and not advancing the main plot.

Although sometimes when a person's given free roam, they sometimes don't really know what to do with it.

And the mechanic would have to be designed so that the ghost doesn't stray too far, because if it could free roam evade you anywhere… then Manhattan Island is a lot of ground to cover in search of a pesky runaway spook.

by RickyM

15 years, 10 months ago

all in all, good idea(*peter)

by JonXCTrack

15 years, 10 months ago

I think free roam to an extent is a good idea, but there should be an option to “jump to the scene” in certain instances and so you don't have to drive to each and every call.

As for weapons, Egon was always tinkering with various equipment in the game. How about a destabilizer to turn a corporeal entity into an ethereal entity so that it can be trapped? Or a ghost bomb to seal off portals?

by ghstbstrlmliii1

15 years, 10 months ago

I think there is potential here, and I like how the posibilty was mentioned in one of the most recent interviews, though I don't remember which off the top of my head.

As for weapons, Egon was always tinkering with various equipment in the game. How about a destabilizer to turn a corporeal entity into an ethereal entity so that it can be trapped?

or “dematerializer” (**ducks from thrown shoes)

Or a ghost bomb to seal off portals?

It worked in the Boogieman Cometh. It would be nice to see it used again.

by Dr.D

15 years, 10 months ago

I always felt that a Ghostbusters game based on the structure of the Spider-man film games would be awesome. There would always be small busts for money you could do in a free roam, and when you want, you return to the main story.

by DocFritz

15 years, 10 months ago

If you're gonna do it, do it right.

The plot should be epic, but please, don't revolve it around an established villain. That would necessitate the old hoary “They escape from the Containment Unit!” story. But if you do drag out an established villain, make sure it's because you have a good idea, not because “The fans love him.”

Human characters, on the other hand…feel free to at least reference the likes of Inspector Frump, Aunt Lois, Charlie Venkman, Cyrus Spengler and Egon's Mom, Big Ed Zeddemore, Janine's sister Doris, ect. On the other hand, feel free to leave out Professor Dweeb and the Junior Ghostbusters, unless you're allowed to run over them with ECTO-1.

Janine Melnitz should be gutsy, a bit abraisive, and yeah, she's completely stuck on Egon. In the RGB/EGB universe, at least, that embarrassing scene with Louis in Venkman's apartment was just a passing fling. Forget all about “Mommy Janine”. In the greater arc of Ghostbuster history, she's far more important than Dana Barrett, Louis Tully, and Walter Peck ever will be.

Slimer should be there, but take a cue from EGB: restore him to babbling pet who spends most of his time eating and annoying Venkman. He's not smart, he's not brave, he's certainly not the Fifth Ghostbuster.

Find someone other than Dave Coulier to do Venkman. Even with good scripts, he still sounds more like Bill Murray in Caddy Shack than Bill Murray in Ghostbusters.

Throw piles of money at J. Micheal Straczynski to at least participate on the script. This is the guy who wrote many episodes that, to some fans, are as definitive to the property as the first movie, and better than the second.

by theo1361

15 years, 10 months ago

Although sometimes when a person's given free roam, they sometimes don't really know what to do with it.

Hehe reminds me of the time I made 700,000 bucks playing GTA 3 for 14 hours by going up and down the streets beating people with a baseball bat and stealing their money lol

by SolidusR4S

15 years, 10 months ago

I loved that Doctor ghost in one of those episodes ( dont know wich one ) It was the first that creeped me out…