Political Correctness vs Sexism:

by Jackalman99

19 years, 11 months ago

Since with their second series the GB's went all politically correct on viewers, I would hope this site is not discriminating against women with its “emotion icons”. By this I mean, you should put Kylie in the emotion icons too. You got “three” of the guys from an animation and only one WOMAN. Since the GB's only got “two” woman and about eight guys BOTH lady Busters should have icons.

Do you not agree? Is this not the “POLITICALLY CORRECT” thing to do? (*janine) (*janine)

by Cosmic-Riptide

19 years, 11 months ago

Sorry, I don't do “PC”…not by choice anyway. It goes against my personal code as an artist.

My plan however (if Chad is ok with it) is to have three different emoticons for each of the characters I've already done, allowing everyone a little more selection.

I have considered also doing EGB emoticons, but I've only seen two and a half episodes of the series. From what little I did see: the character's personalities seemed rather 2-dimensional and uninteresting (I like to assign emotions to the characters that they're best suited for, and I just can't do that with EGB). Plus that leads to problems with extra Egon and Janine icons etc…

In addition, (despite starting this project because RGB emoticons were requested in another thread) the purpose of the RGB emoticons were to give members more emotions to choose from (as we initially only had 4 or 5). The fact that the emoticons are RGB characters is just more for the sake of fun.

What this means is that no emotions will be repeated in any of the emoticons I do. Thus the result will be a broader set of emotions to choose from rather than having emoticon libraries for each character.

I have considered though (again, if Chad doesn't think it's overkill) doing an additional series of non-animated icons of both the RGB and EGB characters (one of each character) for those members who just like to end their posts with their favorite character.

Besides, most female members don't seem to have any qualms with using the “guy” icons since many have a “favorite”.

Anyway, this is all in the air right now with no projected deadlines, proper approval, etc.

by gbmasterman

19 years, 10 months ago

jackalman 99
Since with their second series the GB's went all politically correct on viewers, I would hope this site is not discriminating against women with its “emotion icons”. By this I mean, you should put Kylie in the emotion icons too. You got “three” of the guys from an animation and only one WOMAN. Since the GB's only got “two” woman and about eight guys BOTH lady Busters should have icons.

Do you not agree? Is this not the “POLITICALLY CORRECT” thing to do? (*janine) (*janine)

Holy f**cking shit. I laughed my ass of with that one! Let me guess you are a feminest? If we were to make a Kylie emotion icons, why would we leave out Eduardo, Roland, or Garret. Are you racist by leaving out a black guy, and a latino by adding a female only? what about Garret? Are you discriminating against him because he uses a wheelchair? Look at the full picture. We have emoticons from RGB right now. Why would we add another female from a different series, without adding the whole group!

by MasterSpider

19 years, 10 months ago

Dude, just because Shadow Weavers gone doesn't mean you have to fill in for his attitude. It was pretty dumb, I agree, but you snap and have outbursts for everything these days…

by EgonsBabe

19 years, 10 months ago

Speaking of which, why did Shadow leave anyway? (*winston)

One other thing, Masterman, what is up with that thing in your sig that knows a person's IP, ISP, Operating program, and browser? I don't like how it knows all those things, and it's creeping me out somewhat.

by Peter_Randall

19 years, 10 months ago

Holy f**cking shit.

I'm interested to know how you managed to get two asterisks in there.

by gbmasterman

19 years, 10 months ago

Holy f**cking shit.

I'm interested to know how you managed to get two asterisks in there.

It throws off the kiddies wondering what the word is

As for ourbursts where else have I snapped at anyone?

One other thing, Masterman, what is up with that thing in your sig that knows a person's IP, ISP, Operating program, and browser? I don't like how it knows all those things, and it's creeping me out somewhat.

Be afraid, be very afraid! J/k. I got it off someone else who was using it at a different message board. I can't see the info it displays for you guys.

by EgonsBabe

19 years, 10 months ago

Oh, okay. Now, what's up with Shadow being gone? Why'd he leave?

by gbmasterman

19 years, 10 months ago

He left because of the n00b's coming out of the woods, and because of crap in general. Here was his goodbye post http://forums.ghostbusters.net/viewtopic.php?t=5651

by EgonsBabe

19 years, 10 months ago

Yeah, that's pretty much why I don't come by often too.