POLL TIME: Should Ghostbusters 3 be made?

by roshangar

21 years, 12 months ago

Yes, I mean there have been people in Hollywood who have lost more weight than Harold Ramis has. By the way look at Sean Connery he was much older than any of the guys when he made The Rock, and he was still runnin' and gunnin' with the best of 'em.

by Maverick

21 years, 12 months ago


Hollywood doesn't have the skill to come up with a good reason for the Ghostbusters to return, even if it's a new group.


by GBFreak

21 years, 12 months ago

You guys are gonna break my legs for this one but. . . YES!

by trp81284

21 years, 12 months ago

sure why not. after seeing recent pics of the guys, maybe a remake would be better to start over the series… but sure, make gb3

by vigothecruel

21 years, 12 months ago

Id say no.

The original guys would never do it. It might get done one day, but Aykroyd's script would go through a heavy rewrite, it would probably get produced by some chump like Jerry Bruckheimer, and have an inane cast like Jason Biggs, et al.

If the original cast makes it, I have some hope, but otherwise, forget it.

So, In summary, NO.

by Slimer1288

21 years, 10 months ago

Absolutely YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by Kingpin

21 years, 10 months ago

No, mainly due to the following facts:

The guys, even if they trimmed down and excersised, are too far gone, they gave up on Ghostbusters after the long fight with Bill and the studio, and without Bill it wouldn't be right.
Half of the props are falling apart, and rebuilding the Ecto ain't economically viable anymore.
The fan base is, unfortunantly not Cult Statis, why risk a film for a *pardon the expression* Ghostbusters obsesses web users? Studios want big audiences.
Plus, script wise, it would have to be a damn good script, and not a repeat of the previous two films, an angle that hasn't been covered, otherwise it's old territory.
I'd love to see a new GB film, heck knows I want it badly, but there's too much against a third GB movie to make it work, Sony is more preoccupied with killing off the MIB franchise with poorly done sequels then with pleasing the fans of this community.

Sorry for taking your time folks.

by Ace_63

21 years, 10 months ago

First of all, hey, im new so for my first thread i will give my opinion on GB3.

I vote yes, simply because i've been a fan since i was two. Also suiting up one more time would be a nice treat. However, they are older and would probably have to use new ghostbusters in GB3 and the original guys be mentors, but i think it would be fun to see a new movie.


by axel

21 years, 10 months ago

i voe yes for a ghostbusters3 hellbent.

by Texasgb

21 years, 10 months ago


Aykroyd has stated “Its the new guys” for GB3. He said this back in 1999 when he was still under fifty. No one expects the oritional cast to be the lead players in this one. The script from what I have heard was very technical but had a good story. Ramis just need to “dumb” it for the common folk who do not understand all of the complex paranormal humor. Finally, the props that were mentioned earlier are a drop in the bucket for a film the size that GB3 would be. They would be a very small part of the cost to the production of a ghostbusters film.