Here is my list of possible actors/actresses:
Jack Black - I have no doubts that this guy will be a Ghostbuster. He is perfect. He possesses the cleaver
wit, heart, and dorky persona just great enough to be a Ghostbuster.
Jimmy Fallon - To appeal to a younger audience, you need some younger comedians that stand out from the
rest. While Jimmy is a goof ball, I also think he can pull off an attention to detail that most of the other SNL actors of this time cannot. Jimmy isn’t “cool” he’s a dork, so that adds to his success as a
Christina Ricci - A women Ghostbuster is ESSENTIAL!! I believe Christina Ricci is “different” enough to become an archetype for a female Ghostbuster. It’s believable. Whearas, cast Sarah Michelle Geller, and you’ll worry
about her breaking a nail. What appeals me to her? She seems like she’d be interested in the paranormal… call her “goth”, but I think it works. Plus she’s not “cool”, which is also very important. She seems like
she could play the serious/realizing roll amongst the bunch which stabilizes it from being just a bunch of comedians.
Conan O’Brian – We need a character who will spark fun in the crowd. Sort of a Peter, but in his own
style. And he’s the ultimate dork.
My big problem with Conan is that I am not sure if he can play a serious role…
This is my list for now, I am still searching for candidates though, so it could change. I do not believe we need to rely on the original cast to make
this thing happen. In fact, I think trying to “separate” Ghostbusters from the original actors is CRUCIAL to it’s success. Look at Star Trek… we made
the Next Generation, and you know what? It turned out better.
Paul Day