possible location of firehouse in Chicago?

by GBTaiMaiShu

23 years ago

well back in August I was in Chinatown Chicago to catch a bus to this Chinese Christian Teen Retreat, and I saw a firehouse just like the NY one, but twice as wide (room for two garages). I thought it was pretty cool, next time I go I'll take pics.

by ghostbusta4

23 years ago

i don't know man the only other firehouse is in the ghetto of LA and was in a fox TV show when two parents were trying to buy it. the show got cancelled even though it was good. something about a geeky kid trying to get laid.

Famous Venkman Lines: Yeow! EEEEEHHHH!

by Ectodude

23 years ago

You know, I live around Chicago, and I know were Chinatown is up there. maybe the next time I cruse up there, I'll go look to see which firehouse you're talking about.

by Ectoman

23 years ago

I would not be surprised if the firehouse exists in other cities. In case you didn't know, H&L 8 used to be twice as wide, and have 2 garage doors.

by DragonTech

22 years, 12 months ago

According to Ivan Reitman, their are 2 firehouses, one they used for the outside shots, and another for the inside. Irronicly, they were both built the same year!

by Ectoman

22 years, 12 months ago

The Fire Houses were in CA and NY.. but they weren't built the same year..

by Ectodude

22 years, 12 months ago

is it possible that they reuse building diagrams for firehouses in other cities?