possible location of firehouse in Chicago?

by GBTaiMaiShu

23 years, 3 months ago

well back in August I was in Chinatown Chicago to catch a bus to this Chinese Christian Teen Retreat, and I saw a firehouse just like the NY one, but twice as wide (room for two garages). I thought it was pretty cool, next time I go I'll take pics.

by ghostbusta4

23 years, 3 months ago

i don't know man the only other firehouse is in the ghetto of LA and was in a fox TV show when two parents were trying to buy it. the show got cancelled even though it was good. something about a geeky kid trying to get laid.

Famous Venkman Lines: Yeow! EEEEEHHHH!

by Ectodude

23 years, 3 months ago

You know, I live around Chicago, and I know were Chinatown is up there. maybe the next time I cruse up there, I'll go look to see which firehouse you're talking about.

by Ectoman

23 years, 3 months ago

I would not be surprised if the firehouse exists in other cities. In case you didn't know, H&L 8 used to be twice as wide, and have 2 garage doors.

by DragonTech

23 years, 3 months ago

According to Ivan Reitman, their are 2 firehouses, one they used for the outside shots, and another for the inside. Irronicly, they were both built the same year!

by Ectoman

23 years, 3 months ago

The Fire Houses were in CA and NY.. but they weren't built the same year..

by Ectodude

23 years, 3 months ago

is it possible that they reuse building diagrams for firehouses in other cities?