possible plans for self-opening trap doors, this may work for you!

by back

23 years, 1 month ago

Does anyone have any plans for self-opening trap doors? i may have a couple thoughts as well. thanks again.
im gone.

by Rick

23 years ago

I was thinking about this problem a few years ago, and although I've never built a trap, I think there might be something you can use to make the doors open.

Maybe if you rig up a pully system using bicycle brake cables (or car hood release cables, choke cables, or any similar cable), so that when you depress the foot switch, the inner cable is “pulled”, thereby pulling the doors open somehow from the inside of the trap.

It would take a lot of tooling around to work out the details and make brackets and stuff for the cables, but it might work.

The only problem is when the trap is open you'll be able to see the cables and stuff inside it.

What d'ya reckon?

by ecto-3

23 years ago

would putting in a miniature hydraulics system work? I suppose putting electronics in the pedal and putting the motor+hydraulic cylinders in the trap couldnt be too hard. Its expensive so you may just want to avoid that idea. An electronic Motor and springs is all else I can think of.

by back

23 years ago

belive it or not guys, i was considering all of the above! but it came to me… its so simple, a small motor with a 2-3“ piece of strong/lightweight plastic or wood in the similar shape of a drinking straw (cubed, desnt really matter.) attached at one end to the motor, then when the motor is activated it will act almost as a rail road crossing arm, it will lift, then when de activated, it will lower. if these motors are placed correctly they will open the trap doors, never built or tested mind you. just designed. its extremely simple and can be done, several problems remain. closing the doors, you'd have to input a reverse polarity switch somewhere between the motor and power source so that the motors moving the trap doors would close the other way, that means a separate switch on the foot pedal. even then, whats the promise that the doors will stay shut? i just belive manually opening doors are the only answer for now. only for battery replacement and igniting your smoking effect. then perhaps a small interlocking clear clamp on each door so the trap wont open when you dont want it to. similar to ”child-proof" locks for cuboards. my procedure will basically be open the trap doors, sctivate the high intensity projection bulb, light the smoke chemicals, roll it out hit the pedal, the rigged camera flash goes off then pulll it in, turn off the light, close & lock the doors and activate the red blinker. it will none the less create an awsome after effect of the smoking trap! if any of you are confused about the self opening trap door plan i explained i'll work up a diagram for ya.smile
im gone.

by fire

23 years ago

here's an idea, might be a little messy though if it broke. But the thought of how a cars brakes work, as far as the brake fluid portion might easily work since brake fluid does not allow air to be part of itself, when pressure is applied to the pedal the fluid will move up into the trap via the hose and it will hold the doors open. then upon release of the pedal the fluid automatically retracts itself since there is no air in the tubes. its a highly plausible idea especially since the pedal does not need a lot of movement since the fluid fills the enitre hose and has just enough room to move itself to open and close the trap. I could start working on this idea further if interested.

by back

23 years ago

fire, thats a really frigging good idea! but i never gave it a second thought for i do not possess the skills or tools/parts for the job. and really i dont want a messy trap.smilelol mabey a spring mounted trap door? if we through enough ideas into a pot, stir it around for half an hour im sure that we'll be able to come up with something exellent for a self opening door.
im gone.