Possibly Old Ass Question: Containment Unit

by Nix

14 years, 3 months ago

I think with Ray it was more he understood the science behind it…not the actual operation. While Ray was the closest of Egon's Compatriots to understand his level of thinking…

What I meant was, Ray is unique in that Egon's science didn't make his head asplode right then and there.:p

Still doesn't explain how the ECU is so easily shut off, but I think I can try: Egon couldn't use the “heart of the TARDIS” because that could very easily destroy the world, and also leaves a very obvious “scent” or energy reading for anyone with the right equipment. “Running it off the mains” is far less tamper-proof but a lot safer in the long run.

On that note, I have another insane theory:

Walter Peck belongs not to the Environmental Protection Agency, but to the Celestial Intervention Agency. His mission was to eliminate Egon (the stuff about ‘noxious chemicals’ and the fact that he relied on hearsay proves that the EPA stuff was just a cover, and a flimsy one at that) and capture the modified Time Lord tech used by the Ghostbusters. The paperwork he flashed at Janine was, in fact, a sheaf of slightly-psychic paper.

Venkman's disregard for authority figures thwarted Peck's mission, and the CIA basically fired him, which is why he works for the GBs in the video game.

by Dr.D

14 years, 3 months ago

Nope, Egon is a Timelord. And I should know…I'm a doctor.