Post a Picture of Yourself Thread

by Ectofiend

16 years, 6 months ago

*Oldschool me :

*Me now:


by AdamBestler

16 years, 6 months ago

*Oldschool me :

*Me now:


Two questions:

1) What the fuck happened?!
2) Are you in a band or something? If so, what instrument do you play (and how badly, judging by the HOARDCOAR!!!!!!!! punker appearance you've adopted)

by Ectofiend

16 years, 6 months ago

Adam Bestler Wrote:
wo questions:

1) What the f*ck happened?!
2) Are you in a band or something? If so, what instrument do you play (and how badly, judging by the HOARDCOAR!!!!!!!! punker appearance you've adopted)

*Nothing “happened”, and I haven't “adopted” anything - I've been “that way” since I was age 11 …And even then I had very strong leaning towards it growing up …

*And “no” - I'm not in a band, and never really have been - Despite the fact that I took up playing electric guitar at age 12 …I have “jammed” with people before, and came very close to being in bands, but nopers…

*And I believe the word you're looking for is “Hardcore” and not “Hoardcoar” (*peter)


by Kingpin

16 years, 6 months ago

I'm sorry, but I can't leave this topic without suggesting the need for serious professional help…

by Ectofiend

16 years, 6 months ago

Kingpin Wrote:
I'm sorry, but I can't leave this topic without suggesting the need for serious professional help…

*Me or Adam?…Cause I'm a sane as they come Ben - I have a temper from hell, but sane none-the-less (*peter) …


by AdamBestler

16 years, 6 months ago

I'm sorry, but I can't leave this topic without suggesting the need for serious professional help…

I've been in a group therapy session before. They didn't help me in the slightest. Although, I can only assume he's making a stupid joke about your appearance, ectofiend. Dressing nicely doesn't give you the right to mock those that choose not to, but nobody can stop you, either.

Adam Bestler Wrote:
wo questions:

1) What the f*ck happened?!
2) Are you in a band or something? If so, what instrument do you play (and how badly, judging by the HOARDCOAR!!!!!!!! punker appearance you've adopted)

*Nothing “happened”, and I haven't “adopted” anything - I've been “that way” since I was age 11 …And even then I had very strong leaning towards it growing up …

*And “no” - I'm not in a band, and never really have been - Despite the fact that I took up playing electric guitar at age 12 …I have “jammed” with people before, and came very close to being in bands, but nopers…

*And I believe the word you're looking for is “Hardcore” and not “Hoardcoar” (*peter)


Well, at least you know what's up.

I spell it “hardcoar” because I think it's a joke. The whole punk/goth/emo/et cetera my core, your core, albacore, eh . . . I don't get it. Sects, factions, divisions, teams . . . to me, they all just symbolize mankind's desire to seperate themselves further from one another. Or at least that's how so many others like to see it, and so I just ignore the scenes for the most part.

I always thought guitar was a shit instrument. I started playing last year, since I noticed that everyone and their cousin has to play it. I've been playing piano since I was 13, though. Guitar . . . just sounds bad, in my not-so-humble opinion. That's mainly due to it being saturated in all popular music for nearly half a century. It's like in music today, if there's not a series of power chords accompanying your song, then no one will get your message.

by Ectofiend

16 years, 6 months ago

Adam Bestler Wrote:
Although, I can only assume he's making a stupid joke about your appearance, ectofiend. Dressing nicely doesn't give you the right to mock those that choose not to, but nobody can stop you, either.

*Well said Adam…And that's the way I've always looked at it…“There's no accounting for taste”, nor should one impose theirs on another…

*Just because I don't dress in the “latest fashions”, listen to the newest “ultra-hip”, “crunk” or whatever “music”, or follow trends does not make me any less a human being…

*Despite my outward appearance, I've been known to be one of the most collected and friendly people you'll ever meet…If you haven't got that gist
by now…

Adam Bestler Wrote:
Well, at least you know what's up.

*Well after spending 95% of the last two decades involved with the various “sub-cultures” that I have been, don't you think I would? :p …

Adam Bestler Wrote:
spell it “hardcoar” because I think it's a joke. The whole punk/goth/emo/et cetera my core, your core, albacore, eh . . . I don't get it. Sects, factions, divisions, teams . . . to me, they all just symbolize mankind's desire to seperate themselves further from one another. Or at least that's how so many others like to see it, and so I just ignore the scenes for the most part.

*To each their own, but who I am is all me…Yes I assimilated certain things from the said various “sub-cultures” [my wardrobe for instance, or even some of my political ideologies], however I take everything with a grain of salt, and take only from it the things that most reflect who I am as a person…And what I believe in…

*There's ALOT of things I hate about the “Punk” and “Metal” [and even some “Goth” - Yeah, I said it] “scenes”, and those are the things I choose to either challenge, or outright ignore…

*I know what the many redeeming values of these things mean to me, and that is all that matters…

*I'll entertain someone's thoughts on what I'm into, might even get a laugh or two about it out of the whole ordeal…But I am who I am - Take it or leave it…

*Now to address the “herd mentality” thing you were getting at - People flock to other people with similar interests - It's human nature…Wiether it's “Punk Rock” or Football Teams…We ALL do it at some point…Weither or not you put a silly label on it is up to you…

*And Yeah some people get into things such as “Punk” and the like with ill-intentions , and that's a joke, but that's not indicative of the people who are into it for genuine reasons…

*And for the record I only use terms such as “Hardcore” to describe things to people who are outside the sphere of influence that I am in…

Adam Bestler Wrote:
I always thought guitar was a shit instrument. I started playing last year, since I noticed that everyone and their cousin has to play it. I've been playing piano since I was 13, though. Guitar . . . just sounds bad, in my not-so-humble opinion. That's mainly due to it being saturated in all popular music for nearly half a century. It's like in music today, if there's not a series of power chords accompanying your song, then no one will get your message.

*Again “no accounting for taste” - I am the polar opposite - If it doesn't have guitars, then chance are I'll get bored with it…Not saying that my tastes are limited to “guitar-driven” music…I just prefer music with said instrument in…

*And this is the “internet age” - SOMEONE out there will “get your message” regardless if it's in the “Top 40” or not, or if it has guitars in it or not…


by AdamBestler

16 years, 6 months ago

Yeah, I'd prefer to be known as a “whatever” too. I am what I am, and all that noise. Misunderstood would be another descriptor for it. Sometimes you may be made to feel even a little oppressed?

“Look at the man with the disturbing hair! Yes! Fucking look at hiiiiiiimmmmm!!! It's looking back! Don't look at me!!!”

You know someone out there is thinking about someone like that right now. They may not be thinking it about you right this very minute, but some one out there, for certain, is being thought of like that. You can't wear such hairstyles in the work place. Then others will liken you to an inexperienced teenager, and they will make this assessment based solely on your hair. That in itself is just as sophomoric as their opinion on your hairstyle. Doesn't that sound a bit fucked up to you? It does to me.

by boholbrook1

16 years, 6 months ago

My advice would be just to grow up already, I mean jesus, You're almost 29? It's time to stop dressing like a character from a Tim Burton movie.

by Kingpin

16 years, 6 months ago

*Me or Adam?…Cause I'm a sane as they come Ben - I have a temper from hell, but sane none-the-less (*peter) …

I'll leave the interpretation up to you.