Posting about Ghostbusters 3? Please Read Here - GB3 FAQ

by doctorvenkman1

18 years, 6 months ago

I happen to have it on good authority that the contract for GBIII has, contrary to dan Aykroyd's interview on ETalk daily, recieved a green light. This comes from a good friend who works in the movie advertisement industry. It is slated for a 2008 release date according to This information was released to me today by said source.

Believe me or not, it's up to you……….


Dude, GIVE IT UP! Its not happening. Your “source” is wrong. Aykroyd is the authority on this, if it was happening, he would say so. Its his love, he absolutely loves this franchise. If it had been greenlit he would know and he would've made it clear it was happening, or at least said no comment, in hopes of building anticipation, not dashed everyone's hopes by saying “its not gonna happen”. Let it go. And especially don't expect to be taken seriously when this is only your first post. IMDB is not a reliable source, as Kingpin said, and obviously neither is your “inside soure”.

by gbusterchick68841

18 years, 6 months ago

Thanks for the great post Kingpin as always! This will be good to pass around to all those idiots who believe in IMDB…

by Kingpin

18 years, 6 months ago

Sure would GBusterChick… sure would.

by martin_burden2004

17 years, 4 months ago

I also looked on about that and dan akroyd also mentioned about a new ghostbusters game, wonder if it is true I think it was the same interview when he mentioned about ghostbusters 3.

by SSJTrunks

17 years, 3 months ago

hey I have been waiting on this 3rd movie forever too! But I have heard some goods news from Dan Akroyd in a interview done recently(last year or so) he says a GB3 movie is coming but….it is going to be CG animated..that makes me sad..but he also says that the voices will be done by all the original cast(including Murruay who didn't want to do a 3rd movie till recently) and ALSO a game is in developement right now as well, the first round of photos and videos are from zootfly(zootfly may not have title rights to it) But this is all from Dan Akroyd's interview from his mouth! Find it on youtube or google! They say its gonna be out for 08' we will see! And the game will be across all platforms, pc, wii, ps3, xbox360(for now)HOPE WE HEAR MORE FROM AKROYD SOON

by Kingpin

17 years, 3 months ago

That interview was pretty much the last thing we heard on the subject of the game or a movie excluding a recent email from the CEO of ZootFly explaining that they were priced out of the bidding to make the Ghostbusters game.

We're well aware of where things are at the moment and where the latest info can be found.