POTENTIAL SPOILERS: Parade Scene Comparison

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 8 months ago

and when you 1st enter the sedgwick there are people looking in awe sitting in the lobby and stuff

by ecto_plasmic1

15 years, 8 months ago

and the GBs dancing was never in the plot. it was only a render done for fun.

ah ok.. cause I know just to animate them is heck.. lol I was just wondering

Brad Redfield;150421
Yes we did? You had to hose down the civilians that are possessed by the possessors in the Museum level.

I meant by flock.. not indivudals. we did see a demo of people flocking out of the church. so I was just referring to that.

by ecto_plasmic1

15 years, 8 months ago

sorry 2x post.

by devilmanozzy1

15 years, 8 months ago

stuff gets taken out of games all the time.

If it's not fun, then why make you play it?

and the GBs dancing was never in the plot. it was only a render done for fun.

Personally it seems a bit misleading. Then again I am the sort of gamer that usually buys games more off the fly as I could care less for all the hype. Anyways, even without the Parade level its a awesome game.

by imported_E-DUBB

15 years, 8 months ago

There was alot taken out. TR always said good things about their flood crowd control system, which we never saw any civilians running in huge groups. Nor should I say, we NEVER saw ANY civilians during gameplay. lol. I also wanted to see the Ghosts chasing down the Ecto, the original GB's doing their dance.. where is all that????

running through huge groups of civilians was one of the first things i remember hearing about the game originally. i completely forgot about it until you just mentioned it.

by Timmons

15 years, 8 months ago

I really wish there was a parade level and skank, i dont think i could imagine a level in game with a proton pack that couldnt be fun

I mean there are several reasons why i would have loved to see this level in particular:

1. I love the daylight style of the library level as the city looked amazing in the daylight and the parade level would have given us a longer experience of this great lighting.

2. Exploring more of New York, as it has been said in many interviews with dan akroyd, NYC is just as big a character as the ghostbusters themselves.

3.Get to see the crowd technology in action, spoken about in one of the original tech demos as the number of people running away and reacting was amazing looking.

4. Longer game! the length of a game was not a problem but i would have loved to enjoy the experience for a longer time!

Anyway i hope we at least see this level as dlc in the future, because whatever the price, i will pay it to play more levels of this awesome game.

by GhostbusterLena

15 years, 8 months ago

That scene hosing down civies in the museum was hardly a good display of TR's “awesome crowd control system” Its a shame they showed it off before release but didnt let us players really see it in action.

Though the parade level was one i was really looking forward to myself, I hope it does come out as a DLC.

by OniellFord

15 years, 8 months ago

What?? The Parade is'nt in the game? Yargh! I was planning on buying the realistic version to play that level, too. It wasn't in the Wii version, though.

Maybe it will come out as DLC? In the video game “Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts” alot of levels were cut from the game. But now they are re-building it and are going to release some of them as DLC.

by GhostbusterLena

15 years, 8 months ago

I bet TR never realized so many fans wanted the Parade level, i wonder if Skankerzero is surprised by this.

by Heslimedme80

15 years, 8 months ago

Hey skankerzero,

do you happen to know if any DownLoad content or potential for it is actually planned for this game? would think you would be in position to know such things and be able to shed some light on it or not.

either way, thanks for all the info and a great game.

stuff gets taken out of games all the time.

If it's not fun, then why make you play it?

and the GBs dancing was never in the plot. it was only a render done for fun.