POTENTIAL SPOILERS: Parade Scene Comparison

by Dakera

15 years, 8 months ago

Hey skankerzero,

do you happen to know if any DownLoad content or potential for it is actually planned for this game? would think you would be in position to know such things and be able to shed some light on it or not.

either way, thanks for all the info and a great game.

I would rather have a Mapprack than a extra mission.

REALLY wanting to fight the Scoleri bros inside the Courthouse.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 7 months ago

I still keep my hopes open for a DLC with the parade.

And the Scoleri brothers would be cool too

by Vinz-2206

15 years, 7 months ago

I'm hoping also.

I could have easily seen the escaped ghosts from the containment unit taking over the Parade, had the mission not been referenced earlier. In addition to just wanting to play more of the game, I'm eager to know exactly how the parade mission tied into the overall story.

by jogi82

15 years, 7 months ago

Scott Sommer;150388
It's like they removed an entire level of Ghostbusters the video game. Reducing it from 8 levels to 7.

yes, and if we all remember some scenes from the trailers, it is very obvious thats they actually did it!
for example:
the scene where they escaped a flood of ghost with the ecto1b on daylight! they just kept the dialog between peter and winston (“where is the fun in that”)!

later the final sequence where they go to the centralpark looks also bad cutted, so i say it is done not so well!