Pre-Order Complete/ Pack kits

by JimCem99

15 years, 6 months ago

email sent

by IMJ

15 years, 6 months ago

They look fantastic - no arguing that at all. My only thing about the wood versus fiberglass is that when the wood splits you can't really fix it properly. If the fiberglass cracks then you can always bondo it back together….

Still, those look amazing, man!

by Kureigu

15 years, 6 months ago

E-mail sent

by slimer71

15 years, 5 months ago

I dont think there have been any issues with my packs. If you want list of references of people that have purchased packs from me, I will gladly supply them. One of which is a guy on proptopia that goes by the name “af-ghostbuster”, hes owned one of my packs for the last five years and its still in top shape. I guess it all depends on how you take care of it.

On another note, I will be accepting preorders for a run I will be doing in January. The more people I have committed, the faster construction may be since I will be ordering and building parts in bulk.