Price Drop! 19.99!

by OptimusFord

14 years, 11 months ago

Look like Ghostbusters has fell before far for not being out very long. But its a great game for a great price! Blockbuster has marked it down to 9.99 used.

by TheStrikeTeam21

14 years, 11 months ago

Well, the game sold over a million copies and has been out over six months. This is typical of all games. It's actually a good sign that this happened. Less successful games are just pulled. Ghostbusters is probably seen as a best seller of 2009. That's why it got the price drop.

by Staypuffman

14 years, 11 months ago

I know the Ghostbusters game sold well but on a side note (a humorous one at that) the Catwoman game also dropped to $9.99 as well. I don't believe that game sold over a million copies…. I doubt it even sold 100.

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 11 months ago

Its Blockbuster… They buy several copies of games that are going to be popular, and then sell a bunch of them at a low price once the game's rental popularity has faded after a while. This is nothing to worry about.

Its no different than them buying 40 copies of The Dark Knight, and then 4 months later selling off 30 of them to make room for new stock.

by OptimusFord

14 years, 11 months ago

its just 9.99 used, it dropped to 19.99 in all stores. and thats not really true for best selling games halo 3 is still what 39.99, Gears of War is still 29.99 just a few examples.

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 11 months ago

its just 9.99 used, it dropped to 19.99 in all stores. and thats not really true for best selling games halo 3 is still what 39.99, Gears of War is still 29.99 just a few examples.

Halo 3 and Gears of War are both $29.99, and yes, those are on another level when compared to GB:TVG.

by areyouagod2

14 years, 11 months ago

Agree Venkman Ghostbusters is probably if not the one of the most successful VG for its time if you base it too many others that are classified failures. So I personally wouldn't base it on prices. to compare to Halo or GOW is just ridiculous as a Film turned video game tends to not beat the best titles for any console based machine, well not that i can remember

by OptimusFord

14 years, 11 months ago

how much do you guys know about video games? because most games don't want to have a price drop of 40 dollars in less than a year. Thats not good. Gears of War and Halo 3 are another level but have been out for what three years? They should be 19.99 as almost anyone with the system owns them. This kind of price drop means that they aren't moving the inventory and they are trying to sell it off. don't look for a sequel when things like this happen.